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ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance and utility token for gaming and NFTs. Yuga Labs, the company that founded the Bored Ape Yacht Club, is a contributor to the $APE ecosystem and is adopting ApeCoin as the primary token for its communities and experiences. Yuga's projects include: Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC), CryptoPunks, Meebits, Otherside and Moonbirds. APE adoption will be driven largely by communities who are driving culture forward through NFTs, art, gaming, entertainment, community and events. ApeCoin serves several purposes including: -  Governance - allows ApeCoin holders to participate in the ApeCoin DAO -  Unification of Spend - shared and open currency across more NFT native communities -  Access - exclusive games, merch, events, and services -  Incentivization - tool for third-party developers to incorporate APE into their services, games, and other projects Jenkins is Apechain's public alpha testnet. It mirrors the general vision of the Apechain network, which is an L3 on top of Arbitrum. Apecoin is the native gas token and devs can onboard onto it and use it like any other testnet like bridge to it, deploy smart contracts, connect it to your Metamask, etc.


🧱 Best Infra project built on ApeChain$5,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,500
Community Infra track: Bridge communities together with infrastructure that allows communities from other chains to participate and reap benefits on ApeChain (i.e. asset mirroring), or help onboard users navigate the fragmented the L2 / L3 ecosystem. Close the complexity gap to onboard users onto ApeChain (i.e. abstraction)

Qualification Requirements

The project/demo should be deployed on the ApeChain Testnet and should be testable by the judges.

💻 Best Dapp$5,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,500
Best showcase of GameFi or SocialFi using ApeCoin. Using ApeChain not required, but is preferred. Past hackathon winners for this category have been built around MarioKart, social fitness, AI, etc among other things.

Qualification Requirements

The project/demo does not need to be deployed on the ApeChain Testnet, but preference will be given to projects that do.