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Flare Network



Flare is the blockchain for data, an EVM smart contract platform that expands the utility of blockchain.   - With decentralized oracles built into the structure of the network, Flare is the only smart contract platform optimized for decentralized data acquisition - price & time series data, blockchain event & state data, and web2 API data.   - Flare's mission is to provide developers with decentralized access, at scale, and for minimal cost, to all of the data and data proofs they need to build new blockchain use cases that are more relevant to more people


🏆 Best DApp to utilize Flare's ability to collect and serve data$7,000
Build a DApp that utilizes Flare's ability to collect and serve data to/from different chains. We are looking for an application that powers truly decentralized connectivity using Flare's data protocols: - Use FTSO or Random number with at least one state connector data source - Utilize either Flare's State Connector & build something on Flare chain or heavily utilize FTSO and State Connector data on any EVM chain.

Qualification Requirements

- Project must utilize either Flare's State Connector & build something on Flare chain or heavily utilize FTSO and State Connector data on any EVM chain. - Display links to both versions of smart contracts deployed on the EVM chain and Coston Testnet/Flare Mainnet in your README - Working application & open source codebase. The app must be available for testing on a live URL. A simple frontend with basic functionality is fine. - Feedback describing your experience with building on Flare.

☀️ Most Innovative Application using Flare’s Data Protocols$3,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Build DApps that utilize at least one of the Flare’s Enshrined Data Protocols: FTSO (Flare Time Series Oracle) for price feeds Flare's Secure Random Number Generator State Connector for queries of state on connected chains (i.e. BTC, XRPL, DOGE, EVM chains including Ethereum)

Qualification Requirements

- DApps must make use of at least one of the Flare’s Data Protocols i.e FTSO (Flare Time Series Oracle) for price feeds or use FTSOv2 random number generator or the State Connector for queries of state on connected chains (i.e. BTC, XRPL, DOGE, EVM chains including Ethereum) - Dapps must address real-world problems, or cater to specific use cases to be impactful. - Developers must create a fully functioning application that is available for testing on a live website & provide an open-source codebase for review. - Feedback describing your experience with building on Flare.


Flare’s Pricing and Data Oracles for Multi-Ch...

The workshop will showcase the main advantages of building on Flare: State Connector for trustless attestation of e...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:40 PM BST — Friday, Jul 12, 2024 in Workshop Room 3