logoETHGlobal Brussels




A stateless layer2 of Ethereum, offering extreme scalability and privacy at the same time. Both data preservation and zkp computation happen on the client-side, then validators have to do almost nothing and have very low requirements. This unlimited number of parallelization, unstoppability, and privacy make this protocol unique.


💋 Rewarding contributions to privacy. $5,000
The prize is given to those who have thought of or implemented a way to reward privacy users (mining or airdrop). Submitting just an idea is fine, but if it is not a good idea, it is hard to beat the person who also implemented it. Rewarding users with this privacy without duplication is a simple but difficult problem, as noted in the documentation.

Qualification Requirements

Solve these problems written in the documents. You don't have to code privacy parts that use ZKP etc, and you can make these parts a black box.