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* SparkLend * Build an application that makes use of the lending pools, depositing and borrowing assets * The DAI market allows you to borrow DAI at a predictable rate defined by Maker governance * The other markets’ rate is based on utilization * Try to avoid simply depositing idle liquidity from your app, there should be a purpose for it * SparkSDAI * Build an application that makes use of sDAI, a yield bearing stablecoin * sDAI is an ERC-4626 * Try to avoid simply depositing idle liquidity from your app, there should be a purpose for it * SparkConduits * Build an application that makes use of Conduits to connect Maker liquidity to a protocol that provides yield * Consider why it makes sense for you to use conduits instead a different source of liquidity (users, pools)
  • SparkLend
  • Build an application that makes use of the lending pools, depositing and borrowing assets
  • The DAI market allows you to borrow DAI at a predictable rate defined by Maker governance
  • The other markets’ rate is based on utilization
  • Try to avoid simply depositing idle liquidity from your app, there should be a purpose for it

  • SparkSDAI
  • Build an application that makes use of sDAI, a yield bearing stablecoin
  • sDAI is an ERC-4626
  • Try to avoid simply depositing idle liquidity from your app, there should be a purpose for it
  • SparkConduits
  • Build an application that makes use of Conduits to connect Maker liquidity to a protocol that provides yield
  • Consider why it makes sense for you to use conduits instead a different source of liquidity (users, pools)


   ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $500       ㉧ $500       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $4,000   

Build with Spark!

  • Best use of Conduits 🚇 🥇 4,000 🥈 2,000 🥉 1,000
  • Best use of sDAI 💸 🥇 4,000 🥈 2,000 🥉 500
  • Best use of SparkLend 🌳 🥇 4,000 🥈 2,000 🥉 500

Getting Started


Scroll is a zero-knowledge rollup built to scale Ethereum. We're committed to Ethereum's ethos, and like to call ourselves the community-first zkEVM.If you’re experienced in building on Ethereum, your code, dependencies, and tooling work with Scroll out of the box. This is possible because our network is compatible with EVM bytecode and designed to feel just like developing on Ethereum. With the launch of the Alpha testnet on Goerli, Scroll is inviting the developer community to join early and begin innovating.

Scroll is a zero-knowledge rollup built to scale Ethereum. We're committed to Ethereum's ethos, and like to call ourselves the community-first zkEVM.If you’re experienced in building on Ethereum, your code, dependencies, and tooling work with Scroll out of the box. This is possible because our network is compatible with EVM bytecode and designed to feel just like developing on Ethereum. With the launch of the Alpha testnet on Goerli, Scroll is inviting the developer community to join early and begin innovating.


   ㉧ $17 ×𝟸𝟹𝟹       ㉧ $2,000 ×𝟹       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟷𝟶   

20k worth in prizes up for grabs!

👋 GM GM developer! Scroll is coming to ETHOnline and we’re excited to see what you’re going to build. Scroll is bringing the builders 20k in prizes:

  1. Prize Pool of $4k
  2. 13 bounties worth $16k

Check out the details below how you can win a prize by deploying on Scroll.

🚀Deploy on Scroll ($4000 Pool Prize)


This should just mean changing your RPC! Try out Scroll's next-generation zk-rollup by deploying your project's smart contracts on the Scroll testnet on Sepolia. With Scroll's zkEVM, users will benefit from lower costs, shorter block times, and higher throughput -- without you needing to modify your Solidity code.

Bounty Amount

$4000 pool prize

🎯Best on Scroll: (3x $2000, 10x $1000)


You’re here to build the latest in greatest in web3 on Ethereum — we want to see it deployed on Scroll. Use Scroll’s Sepolia Testnet for your deployment of a novel DeFi application — we’re compatible with the EVM at the bytecode level, so all your Solidity, Vyper, or YUL should just work with the change of an RPC address.

Bounty Amount

🥇3 times a $2000 per team

🥈10 times a $1000 per team - honorable mentions


  • Project contracts must be deployed on Scroll Sepolia and verified on the Scroll Etherscan.
  • Project must have a working flow
  • Project that excite us, include some of the following:
  • Solve a tangible problem or build a relevant use usecase
  • Provide value to developers/community in terms of public good
  • “super-nerdy” not necessarily product-market fit, but a cool geeky project


Mask Network brings privacy and benefits from Web3 to social media like Facebook & Twitter - with an open-sourced browser extension. Next.ID was initiated by the core team responsible for the development of Mask Network last year.Next.ID is an open-source protocol designed for developers to create and manage identities. The Next.ID protocol acts as a secure conduit connecting various web2 and web3 identifiers, such as wallets, Twitter profiles, ENS names, Lens profiles, and more. When a person's different identifiers are linked together, they form an identity graph, creating powerful, portable, and self-sovereign digital identities. We refer to these identities, digital representations of self, as Avatars at Next ID. You can check out what Avatar is at here.

Mask Network brings privacy and benefits from Web3 to social media like Facebook & Twitter - with an open-sourced browser extension.

Next.ID was initiated by the core team responsible for the development of Mask Network last year.Next.ID is an open-source protocol designed for developers to create and manage identities. The Next.ID protocol acts as a secure conduit connecting various web2 and web3 identifiers, such as wallets, Twitter profiles, ENS names, Lens profiles, and more. When a person's different identifiers are linked together, they form an identity graph, creating powerful, portable, and self-sovereign digital identities. We refer to these identities, digital representations of self, as Avatars at Next ID.

You can check out what Avatar is at here.


Mask Network$10,000
   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000   

Mask Network is thrulled to share that we are lighting up ETHOnline 2023 with a dazzling $10,000 bounty!

We’re inviting you to weave your magic on our open-source DID protocol, Next.ID, and create something groundbreaking!

Your Challenges Await 🎯

1️⃣ Pave the Way for an Autonomous World ($3k USD)

Your Quest: Craft a secure, user-friendly identity solution for on-chain gaming or innovative Web3 game social interaction user cases with Next.ID.


2️⃣ Best Use of RelationService ($6k USD)

Your Quest: Develop a groundbreaking application using the RelationService API, exploring use cases from cross-platform profile search to DAO tooling, and beyond.


3️⃣ Unveil Your Revolutionary Social App ($1k USD)

Your Quest: Design a decentralized social application that champions privacy, data ownership, and builds a vibrant user community.

For more details about each bounty and judging criteria, please read this page.

Getting Started

Docs and Getting Started:


Our GitHub page:


Join our Community Telegram Group for quick assistance:

For any questions, feel free to send an email to [email protected]


Safe brings digital ownership of accounts to everyone by building universal and open contract standards for the custody of digital assets, data, and identity.

Safe brings digital ownership of accounts to everyone by building universal and open contract standards for the custody of digital assets, data, and identity.


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $2,500   

Safe will be giving $10,000 for the best hacks using Safe{Core}.

To be eligible, developers must build with one of the following options:

Safe{Core} Protocol (integrating or implementing any part of the Protocol). Check this demo app to get an overview of what can be done:

  • 1st prize: $2,500
  • 2nd prize: $1,500
  • 3rd prize: $1,000

Safe{Core} Account Abstraction SDK (integrating at least one of the existing kits). Check this demo app to get an overview of what can be done:

  • 1st prize: $2,500
  • 2nd prize: $1,500
  • 3rd prize: $1,000


Hyperlane is the first interoperability layer that enables you to permissionlessly connect any blockchain, out-of-the-box. With Hyperlane you can connect your app to any chain, and easily have interchain function calls or asset transfers. Hyperlane has a one of a kind modular security stack, that allows you to configure your security model, and customize the security protocol you use to fit the action of your users.

Hyperlane is the first interoperability layer that enables you to permissionlessly connect any blockchain, out-of-the-box. With Hyperlane you can connect your app to any chain, and easily have interchain function calls or asset transfers. Hyperlane has a one of a kind modular security stack, that allows you to configure your security model, and customize the security protocol you use to fit the action of your users.


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000   

🥇Top prize - $3,000 - Best Use of Hyperlane

 The grand prize will be given to the most compelling submission made during the hackathon. It can qualify under any of the categories below, so be sure to read them to get some ideas! Think of the grand prize as an extension of the category prizes.

🎼 $2,000 1st, $1,000 2nd - Best Interchain Applications

An interchain application is an application that communicates between different blockchains. It can either transfer assets or make interchain function calls. The winner of this prize will be the most impressive application that makes use of Hyperlane and benefits from its presence on multiple blockchains. Depending on the quality of submissions relative to other categories, Hyperlane may award several Interchain applications.

💸 $2,000 - Best use of Hyperlane Warp Routes

Warp Routes are Hyperlane’s unique take on token bridging. They are unique and instanced expression of bridging as opposed to the traditional omnibus token bridge design. Each Warp Route can have its own security model, using Hyperlane’s Interchain Security Modules. Perhaps most importantly, Warp Routes are completely permissionless! No one can stop you from bringing whichever asset you’d like to any chain you’d like. To win this prize, you need to use Warp Routes in your submission. However, the more creative your submission is, the better.

🚝 $2000 - Best Hyperlane Infrastructure

This category is for building infrastructure that either enhances Hyperlane or makes use of Hyperlane's capabilities. Maybe you’ll build a customized Deploy tool to bundle Hyperlane with any OP Chain deployment? Or perhaps you’d build a way to more easily connect chains with Hyperlane? Maybe you’ll build a tool to allow any chain to get access to oracle feeds from any chain? You decide! To win, your submission will have to serve a useful purpose either for Hyperlane users, or utilize Hyperlane to provide a valuable service to someone else.

🌐 $2,000 - Write new Interchain Security Modules (ISMs)

Hyperlane’s Modular Security Stack is based on a range of Interchain Security Modules that developers can use to secure the way applications communicate between chains. Some ISMs are already available, and more are being developed. The hackathon is a great chance to build new ones.

Getting Started

📃 Documentation

Website I Docs I Quickstarts I Github I Explorer I Protocol Overview

💙 Community

Discord I Hackathon Success Guide I Ideas Database


Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 18000+ applications hosted, 1B+ total transactions processed, ~100M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured. Website | Twitter | Reddit | Telegram | Discord

Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 18000+ applications hosted, 1B+ total transactions processed, ~100M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured.

Website | Twitter | Reddit | Telegram | Discord


   ㉧ $500 ×𝟻       ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,250 ×𝟸       ㉧ $1,250 ×𝟸   

ZM builders, we’re challenging you to hack with Polygon solutions to solve real-world problems.

🔀 $2,500 Best use of zkEVM

The Polygon zkEVM launched earlier this year, it's grown to hold a TVL of $50 million and continues to attract major protocols. For this challenge, we want to see your most innovative use of the Polygon zkEVM, this is an open challenge that will see the most innovative and deserving protocols, with killer UX carry the day!

Check out these resources to get you started.


❌ $2,500 LxLy Bridge zkEVM Extension

At the heart of Polygon’s new 2.0 architecture lies the LxLy bridge. The Polygon zkEVM LxLy Bridge facilitates cross-chain communication across Polygon chains. We’re challenging you to create and extend the LxLy sample implementations and add support for different types of cross-chain messaging and assets transfer of custom ERC-20s and any other EIP/ERC you see fit such as ERC1155 etc. Check out the existing code samples and open a PR with your own contribution that facilities cross-chain communication.

Cross-Chain ideas from the Polygon zkEVM team

  • Claim UI: Build a Dapp to allow users to connect and see all valid messages they have that are claimable on a given LxLy chain (Polygon zkEVM etc) and claim them!
  • Implement an OpenZeppelin Governor that allows token holders to vote on Polygon zkEVM with proposals that are still on Ethereum or Polygon PoS Create a snapshot strategy that accounts for token balance on Ethereum, Polygon PoS, & Polygon zkEVM
  • Build a zkEVM NFT project with mint logic that depends on owning an asset on Ethereum or Polygon PoS
  • Permissionless Prover: A smart contract that allows Polygon Labs to put up a reward for anyone who fills in as permissionless prover for when our infra goes down essentially a contract that has a function that checks whether a given verifyBatches() call was successfully called by anyone other than our trusted address, and if so, pays out some fixed reward it holds (MATIC tokens)
  • Or even extend these repos to cover LxLy Bridging or


🆔 $2,500 Best use of Polygon ID's Verifiable Credentials to preserve user privacy

Self-Sovereign Identity is the future. Use Polygon ID to represent identity-based information as verifiable credentials in your dapp so your users can prove access rights to dapp features without giving up their private data. Polygon ID is also excited to announce a brand new partnership with that will allow you to securely extend the privacy of your Lens profile using Verifiable Credentials. Using Dock's REST API credentials can be issued a few API calls. Along with issuing credentials application developers can use the API to manage issuer profiles and create and import data schemas. Dock's tooling also supports non-developers through it's no-code solution Dock Certs which provides the same functionality via a web interface.

This demo shows you how to set up your account and begin to issue VCs. Your task is to now leverage VCs to provide additional layers of privacy and security to your Lens Dapp.

Polygon ID resources:

  • Polygon ID Dev Docs and tutorials
  • How to run an Issuer to issue VCs: Video by Tony
  • Fullstack VC-gated dapp template with everything you need for your KYCAgeCredential gated dapp by Steph
  • This demo shows you how to set up your account and begin to issue VCs. Your task is to now leverage VCs to provide additional layers of privacy and security to your Lens Dapp.

Ideas from the Polygon ID team:

  • Anonymous voting - On-chain voting exposes the choices made by different public addresses. Create a hack that proves DAO membership with a VC while making sure members don’t double vote.
  • Social proof of influence or activity - Create a proof of influence issuer that issues VCs based on numbers of followers or number of posts across social platforms
  • Bot protection - Create a decentralized verification system providing individual VCs of liveliness & uniqueness that could be combined to prevent sybil attacks.

Lens Ideas:

  • KYC: Imagine if you can securely add KYC to your Lens dapp and be able to rely on the authenticity of that data
  • Lenster badges” from Polygon ID credentials: Import a Polygon ID credential and create a Lenster badge from it (Proof of Hacker, Proof of Human, Polygon Activist,). You could combine these with any of the credentials from WIW or any of the free credential issuers that use Polygon ID.

Lenster badge


🤝 $2,500 Best Public Good with Account Abstraction or Gasless transactions on Polygon

Create a permissionless public good dapp with an app-like UX by sponsoring your users’ gas fees using gasless transactions or by batching transactions into a single transaction. Learn more by reading up on ERC-4337: Account Abstraction and Gasless transactions.

Account Abstraction SDKs

In your project’s README, explain the UX optimization strategies you chose and link to relevant sections of code with your account abstraction implementation.


Filecoin, the world’s largest decentralized network offers more than 16+ Exbibytes of storage. It allows users to store, request, and transfer data via a verifiable marketplace. Filecoin is completely open-source, enabling people from all over the world to participate. Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) is a runtime environment for smart contracts (also called actors) on the Filecoin network. FVM brings user programmability to Filecoin, unleashing the enormous potential of an open data economy. FVM unlocks boundless possibilities, ranging from dataDAOs, to perpetual storage, to financial services for miners (e.g. collateral lending, liquid staking, insurance protocols), to decentralized compute and Layer 2 networks (such as reputation systems, and incentive-aligned content delivery networks, and more.

Filecoin, the world’s largest decentralized network offers more than 16+ Exbibytes of storage. It allows users to store, request, and transfer data via a verifiable marketplace. Filecoin is completely open-source, enabling people from all over the world to participate.

Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) is a runtime environment for smart contracts (also called actors) on the Filecoin network. FVM brings user programmability to Filecoin, unleashing the enormous potential of an open data economy.

FVM unlocks boundless possibilities, ranging from dataDAOs, to perpetual storage, to financial services for miners (e.g. collateral lending, liquid staking, insurance protocols), to decentralized compute and Layer 2 networks (such as reputation systems, and incentive-aligned content delivery networks, and more.


   ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟹       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟸   

🏆 Grand Prizes: 2 teams x $2500 (paid in FIL)

🏊 Pool Prize: $5000, up to 10 teams, capped at $1000 per team (paid in FIL)


🪄DWeb It: Best innovations that turn current web services and applications into more open, equitable, secure, and resilient. Using one or several decentralized technologies from Protocol Labs Network qualifies for this track.

Qualifying technologies: Filecoin, FVM (Filecoin Virtual Machine), Lilypad, IPC,, Saturn. Bonus points for building on FVM!

For inspiration, project Categories Unique to the Filecoin Ecosystem:

💾 DataDAOs: Best DataDAOs and DAO tooling solutions built on FVM to enable curation, use, storage, analysis, monetization, and/or governance of valuable datasets.

💰DeFi: Best DeFi tools and services built on FVM to create value for FIL token-holders and 3500+ storage provider systems in the Filecoin Network.

🚀 Programmable Storages: Best solutions built on FVM to orchestrate, aggregate and broker storage for Data clients and 3500+ Storage Providers on the Filecoin network.

🔗 Tools, Infra & Bridging: Best tooling solutions built on FVM to make the Filecoin Storage Network more accessible and easy to use for developers across Web2 and/or Web3 ecosystems.

💻 Compute over Data with Lilypad: Best solutions to facilitate decentralized compute and/or AI and ML jobs. Build new solutions for DeSci, DAI, etc. or DApps that take advantage of the Lilypad decentralized computation network

Getting Started

  • FVM Official Site: Official site for FVM, with thorough references to FVM overview, timeline, and developer resources
  • FVM Quick Start Guide: FVM walk-through guide for wallet setup and contract deployment with Remix
  • FVM Hackathon Cheat Sheet: The name says it all! This is the comprehensive guide with all learning resources about FVM
  • FVM Toolkit References: Lists a collection of tools and resources you can use to build on top of the Filecoin network using the FVM
  • Metamask and Faucet Guide: A walkthrough tutorial to integrate FIL into MetaMask for different Filecoin networks.
  • Using Remix with FEVM: A live walk-through demo for setting up a wallet and using Remix to deploy a smart contract on FEVM
  • Example Use Cases: The Request for Startup blog post outlines a number of exciting opportunities and ideas that can be built on FVM


UMA is an optimistic oracle that can verify any natural language statement as true on the blockchain, so contracts asking for that data can be settled.  Across, is a cross-chain bridge that supports cheap, secure, and near-instantaneous transfers between L2s and to L1. Across transfers are secured by UMA’s optimistic oracle.  Builders can use UMA as a decentralized truth machine that is flexible enough to handle ambiguity and real-world data with human-powered dispute resolution. UMA secures and empowers a diverse set of Web3 applications, including cross-chain bridges, insurance protocols, prediction markets and customizable DAO tooling products.

UMA is an optimistic oracle that can verify any natural language statement as true on the blockchain, so contracts asking for that data can be settled. 

Across, is a cross-chain bridge that supports cheap, secure, and near-instantaneous transfers between L2s and to L1. Across transfers are secured by UMA’s optimistic oracle. 

Builders can use UMA as a decentralized truth machine that is flexible enough to handle ambiguity and real-world data with human-powered dispute resolution. UMA secures and empowers a diverse set of Web3 applications, including cross-chain bridges, insurance protocols, prediction markets and customizable DAO tooling products.


   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $136 ×𝟸𝟸   

Prizes will be awarded to the best projects built on top of UMA's optimistic oracle, or the Across bridge.

  • 🥇 First prize: $5,000 in $UMA
  • 🥈 Second prize: $2,000 in $UMA
  • 🏊 Pool Prize: $3,000 in $UMA distributed between all qualifying submissions


Mantle is a high-performance Ethereum layer-2 network built with modular architecture delivering low fees and high security. Builders can leverage Mantle’s unique design to build dApps with exceptional UX, all while relying on Ethereum’s unrivaled security.

Mantle is a high-performance Ethereum layer-2 network built with modular architecture delivering low fees and high security. Builders can leverage Mantle’s unique design to build dApps with exceptional UX, all while relying on Ethereum’s unrivaled security.


   ㉧ $58 ×𝟺𝟹       ㉧ $1,250 ×𝟸       ㉧ $1,250 ×𝟸       ㉧ $1,250 ×𝟸   

Build on Mantle: $2,500 in MNT

Eligible teams will split the pool prize(please check Submission Requirements!!!)

Challenge Description: Deploy your smart contract on Mantle (testnet or mainnet) and provide links to 1) smart contract on Mantle, and 2) a tweet to qualify. Submission Requirements: Link to your tweet about your project with @0xMantle mentioned Link to the smart contract on Mantle Explorer Link to GitHub Judging Criteria: Everyone who followed submission requirements is eligible.

Best Defi Project: $2,500 in MNT

Split between 2 winning teams, $1,250 each.

Challenge Description: Create an innovative DeFi implementation (such as core protocol tools, ecosystem tools, use cases for NFTs and the Metaverse, DAOs, DeFi, and DApps) on Mantle. Submission Requirements: The submission must be deployed on Mantle testnet or mainnet (include a link to smart contract deployed on Mantle Explorer). A video demo and GitHub repo must be submitted. Judging Criteria: Originality and innovation in the implementation of DeFi on Mantle User experience and ease of use for DeFi-related interactions. Relevance and impact on the overall DeFi ecosystem Technical feasibility and implementation quality. Not plagiarized or recycled.

Best NFT or Gaming Project: $2,500 in MNT

Split between 2 winning teams, $1,250 each.

Challenge Description: Build an NFT or web3 gaming-related project. Ideas: Read through the Game7 report and build a solution for one of the established challenges Improve wallet interactions for games. Using NFTs to represent a Compound/Aave position, or an ownership in a multisig. Allowing people to easily create and mint NFTs on Mantle testnet, where the image is uploaded to IPFS. Submission Requirements: The submission must be deployed on Mantle testnet or mainnet (include a link to smart contract deployed on Mantle Explorer). A video demo and GitHub repo must be submitted. Judging Criteria: Originality of the idea and innovation in the implementation of NFTs or Gaming tech/tools User experience and ease of use for NFT and/or gaming-related interactions. Relevance and impact on the gaming and/or NFT ecosystem Technical feasibility and implementation quality. Not plagiarized or recycled.

Best UX: $2,500 in MNT

Split between 2 winning teams, $1,250 each

Challenge Description: One of the most challenging problems in Web3 is creating an intuitive and seamless User Experience for dApps. Build a dApp that raises the bar for blockchain UX. Make sure to explain in your submission in detail what you’ve done to make UX more accessible.

Ideas: Create a user-friendly mobile application or PWA Visualize Mantle address transaction history with a TikTok-like timeline.

Submission Requirements: The submission must be deployed on Mantle testnet or mainnet (include a link to smart contract deployed on Mantle Explorer). A video demo and GitHub repo must be submitted. Judging Criteria: User-friendly interface and intuitive design Innovative approaches to improve accessibility and seamless user experience. Relevance and impact on the overall Web3. UX Technical feasibility and implementation quality. Not plagiarized or recycled.

Getting Started


ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance and utility token for decentralized communities building at the forefront of culture and web3. Yuga Labs, the company behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem, is a contributor to the APE ecosystem and is adopting ApeCoin as the primary token for the BAYC ecosystem as well as upcoming metaverse and gaming experiences. APE adoption will be driven largely by communities who are driving culture forward through NFTs, art, gaming, entertainment, community and events. ApeCoin serves several purposes including: * Governance - allows ApeCoin holders to participate in the ApeCoin DAO * Unification of Spend - shared and open currency across more NFT native communities * Access - exclusive games, merch, events, and services * Incentivization - tool for third-party developers to incorporate APE into their services, games, and other projects

ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance and utility token for decentralized communities building at the forefront of culture and web3. Yuga Labs, the company behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem, is a contributor to the APE ecosystem and is adopting ApeCoin as the primary token for the BAYC ecosystem as well as upcoming metaverse and gaming experiences. APE adoption will be driven largely by communities who are driving culture forward through NFTs, art, gaming, entertainment, community and events.

ApeCoin serves several purposes including:

  • Governance - allows ApeCoin holders to participate in the ApeCoin DAO
  • Unification of Spend - shared and open currency across more NFT native communities
  • Access - exclusive games, merch, events, and services
  • Incentivization - tool for third-party developers to incorporate APE into their services, games, and other projects


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $3,000   

Best Consumer Use Case

Best use of ApeCoin in a dApp or application. This includes things like NFTs, payments, gaming, commerce experiences, etc.

🥇 $3,000

🥈 $2,000

Most innovative

Boader scope for projects that are at the cutting edge and building things highly relevant for the ApeCoin community, which centers around NFTs and gaming. This could include things like improved security via ERC-4337, novel NFT games via ERC-6551, or new DAO tooling. 

🥇 $3,000

🥈 $2,000

For inspiration

Winners from past hackathons can be viewed here


Wormhole is the leading interoperability platform that empowers development and growth across blockchains. Wormhole provides developers access to liquidity and users on over 20 of the leading blockchain networks, enabling use cases that span DeFi, NFTs, governance, and more. Wormhole enables a growing suite of products built around the foundational Wormhole Messaging protocol. Wormhole Connect is a key asset layer product, providing developers with an in-app bridging widget that can be integrated in as few as 3 lines of code. The wider Wormhole network is trusted and used by teams like Circle and Uniswap, and to date, the platform has facilitated the transfer of over 35 billion dollars through hundreds of millions of cross-chain messages.

Wormhole is the leading interoperability platform that empowers development and growth across blockchains. Wormhole provides developers access to liquidity and users on over 20 of the leading blockchain networks, enabling use cases that span DeFi, NFTs, governance, and more.

Wormhole enables a growing suite of products built around the foundational Wormhole Messaging protocol. Wormhole Connect is a key asset layer product, providing developers with an in-app bridging widget that can be integrated in as few as 3 lines of code. The wider Wormhole network is trusted and used by teams like Circle and Uniswap, and to date, the platform has facilitated the transfer of over 35 billion dollars through hundreds of millions of cross-chain messages.


   ㉧ $6,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,000   

The Wormhole Foundation will be awarding the following prizes for:

"The best cross-chain application using Wormhole's automatic relayers (can be combined with any other ETHGlobal bounty)"

Prize tiers are as follows:

🥇1st Place: $6,000

🥈2nd Place: $3,000

🥉3rd Place: $1,000

Submission requirement: Link to your tweet about your project with @wormholecrypto mentioned

Getting Started

📚 Get started:

Dive into the Docs

Check out our GitHub

Wormhole website

💜 Join the community:

DM us on Twitter

Join our Discord

📢 Get in touch:

Get in touch


Aztec is a privacy-first zkRollup on Ethereum. We are also developing Noir, the easiest-to-use zk circuit writing language available.

Aztec is a privacy-first zkRollup on Ethereum. We are also developing Noir, the easiest-to-use zk circuit writing language available.


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000   

$5,000 prize pool!

  1. $2,000 for the best overall Noir application or library.
  2. $2,000 for the best overall developer tool for the Noir ecosystem.
  3. $1,000 for the best overall Aztec Sandbox dapp.

*Depending on the prize breakdown, runner-ups may be eligible for prizes as well

🏆 Best overall Noir application or library$2,000

Noir is a Domain Specific Language for SNARK proving systems. It has been designed to use any ACIR compatible proving system. Its design choices are influenced heavily by Rust and focuses on a simple, familiar syntax.

Build an application or library using Noir:

Qualification Requirements

-Does the dapp include a front end (nice to have, but not required)? -Does the dapp leverage unique capabilities of the Noir? -Dapp specific contracts written in Noir -Creativity, ingenuity -Submission includes a write up of challenges faced when working with the sandbox (nice to have)

🏆 Best overall Aztec Sandbox dapp$2,000

Aztec is a privacy-first zkRollup on Ethereum. We are also developing Noir, the easiest-to-use zk circuit writing language available.

We truly value the contributions of hackers, and some hackathon submissions may qualify for retroactive grant funding. Please be on the lookout for a follow up email post hackathon!

Qualification Requirements

Projects will be judged on the following criteria: -Does the dapp include a front end (nice to have, but not required)? -Does the dapp leverage unique capabilities of the Aztec network? -Dapp specific contracts written in Noir -Creativity, ingenuity -Submission includes a write up of challenges faced when working with the sandbox (nice to have)

Getting Started

Review the Aztec Labs' DevRel Hacker Handbook




Sismo leverages zero-knowledge proofs to enable users to aggregate and selectively disclose personal data to applications. By using Sismo Connect, an easy-to-integrate SSO, applications can now safely obtain user data that was previously inaccessible.

Sismo leverages zero-knowledge proofs to enable users to aggregate and selectively disclose personal data to applications.

By using Sismo Connect, an easy-to-integrate SSO, applications can now safely obtain user data that was previously inaccessible.


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $500   

🏆 Best Overall Use of Sismo Connect - $2,500

Build a fully functional app that will showcase Sismo Connect capabilities.

🏅 Best Implementation of Sismo Connect for Reputation-based Services - $1,000

Allow users to safely aggregate their identity with Sismo Connect to unlock your app's functionality. Request zk proofs about highly private sensitive financial data (e.g. holds > 10 ETH on a private wallet) and social data (e.g. DAO participant from a public wallet & has > 100 Twitter followers) to provide exclusive experiences for users.

🥷 Best Implementation of Sismo Connect for Privacy - $1,000

Leverage Sismo Connect to enhance user privacy: from selective disclosure of personal data to anonymous user identification. 

🌟 Most Creative implementation of Sismo Connect - $500

Let your imagination run wild! Create a unique, novel use case for Sismo Connect.

Getting Started


Connext is a modular interoperability protocol that lets you build secure crosschain dApps (xApps). With Connext's recent network upgrade, it is now the most trust-minimized interoperability protocol available today for building powerful crosschain functionality with a developer-friendly interface.

Connext is a modular interoperability protocol that lets you build secure crosschain dApps (xApps). With Connext's recent network upgrade, it is now the most trust-minimized interoperability protocol available today for building powerful crosschain functionality with a developer-friendly interface.


   ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $500   

🏆 $1000 - Best cross-chain interaction using xcall

Use Connext's xcall through the SDK or direct contract calls in your project to build new, exciting cross-chain use cases.

🚀 $1000 - Best demonstration of chain abstracted user experience

Build an application that demonstrates exceptional user experience for cross-chain interactions.

🥇🥈🥉 $1500, $1000, $500 - Top 3 projects that deploy and use an xERC20

Deploy an xERC20 and use it in your project. Bonus points for complexity and creativity. If you use an existing ERC20 and migrate it to an xERC20, this counts toward complexity.

Need Help or Project Ideas?

💬 Join our Support TG

🤝 Ping us on Discord

Getting Started

What Can You Build?

Using the new primitive, xcall, developers can send assets and any arbitrary data across chains. This means you can build with crosschain interoperability out of the box, allowing your smart contracts to directly interact with other protocols across chains! You’ll find there is a whole realm of new possibilities using features enabled by the protocol.

xcall allows for a new class of crosschain use cases, such as:

🔗 Crosschain DAO governance

💧 Crosschain liquidity management

💎 Crosschain NFTs

🔮 And many more that have yet to be discovered

Chain Abstraction

The goal of chain abstraction is to free the user from chain management. Connext enables dApps to build toward this kind of ideal user experience. [Read more]( about chain abstraction and how to build chain-abstracted dApps.

xERC20 Token Standard

Also known as [ERC-7281: Sovereign Bridged Tokens](, the xERC20 open token standard is an extension of ERC20 that allows tokens to be transferred across chains with zero slippage, enables fungibility between bridges, and allows token issuers to set custom rate limits for every bridge. [Read more]( about xERC20s and how to deploy them.

Other Resources

[👩‍💻 Developer Quickstart](

[🌉 General Bridge Concepts](

[🕰️ Connext’s Transaction Lifecycle](

[🌐 Supported Chains and Contract Addresses](

[📚 SDK Guide](

[📖 SDK Reference](


Axelar is the full-stack interoperability layer for Web3. The network enables blockchain as a new application development platform, by integrating ecosystems of innovation into a seamless “Internet of blockchains.” Axelar is programmable and decentralized, secured by a proof-of-stake token, AXL. Application users access digital assets on any blockchain, with one click. Developers work with a simple API and access an open market of tooling to automate complex tasks.You can think of it as Stripe for Web3. More about Axelar:

Axelar is the full-stack interoperability layer for Web3. The network enables blockchain as a new application development platform, by integrating ecosystems of innovation into a seamless “Internet of blockchains.” Axelar is programmable and decentralized, secured by a proof-of-stake token, AXL. Application users access digital assets on any blockchain, with one click. Developers work with a simple API and access an open market of tooling to automate complex tasks.You can think of it as Stripe for Web3. More about Axelar:


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $500   

Best Use of Axelar GMP

🥇 1st Place — $3,000

🥈 2nd Place — $1,500

🥉 3rd Place — $500

Challenge: Use Axelar GMP for sending Interchain Messages / Tokens

Description: Use Axelar in your project to build a DApp that takes advantage of the ability to interact with contracts across multiple chains using Axelar’s General Message Passing.

Acceptance Criteria: Use GMP’s callContract or callContractWithToken to provide valuable interchain functionality as part of your DApp

Projects will be judged on Viability, Creativity, and how essential being Interchain is to your DApp

Please include the following in the / of your application.

You must share an AxelarScan link with a completed Interchain transaction.

You must share the source code of your DApp.

You must share at least 2 positive or negative experiences you had with learning and using Axelar.


Compound Grants is a program run by the Questbook team, issuing grants to builders in the Compound protocol's community. Learn more about the program at <>. Compound is an algorithmic, autonomous interest rate protocol built for developers, to unlock a universe of open financial applications. The protocol provides interest rate markets for supplying and borrowing supported crypto assets.

Compound Grants is a program run by the Questbook team, issuing grants to builders in the Compound protocol's community. Learn more about the program at

Compound is an algorithmic, autonomous interest rate protocol built for developers, to unlock a universe of open financial applications.

The protocol provides interest rate markets for supplying and borrowing supported crypto assets.


Compound Grants$5,000

$5,000 USD to the single best integration of Compound III. The project must interact (smart contract or JSON RPC) with any instance of the v3 protocol or governance system, or be a supportive project specifically created for the Compound community's use.


Lit Protocol lets you create and manage distributed cryptographic key-pairs for condition-based encryption and programmatic signing. A decentralized key management network, Lit can be used in place of centralized key custodians and other key management solutions.

Lit Protocol lets you create and manage distributed cryptographic key-pairs for condition-based encryption and programmatic signing. A decentralized key management network, Lit can be used in place of centralized key custodians and other key management solutions.


Lit Protocol$5,000
   ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟸       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟸       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟸   

$1000 Wildcard - Integrate Lit and use the latest Lit JS SDK V3

$2000 Best Use of Claimable Keys with the Lit JS SDK V3

$2000 Best Use of Programmatic Signing with the Lit JS SDK V3


The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum, Polygon and IPFS. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible.

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum, Polygon and IPFS. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible.


The Graph$5,000
   ㉧ $1,400       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $600       ㉧ $400       ㉧ $600       ㉧ $1,000   

Best New Subgraph or Substream: Build and deploy a custom subgraph that indexes data from a smart contract to query blockchain data to your dapp, or build a custom substream.

  • 🥇 Grand Prize: $1400
  • 🥈 1st Runner-up: $1000
  • 🥉 2nd Runner-up: $600

Best use of Subgraph or Substream: Query a new or existing subgraph on the Graph Explorer or hosted service using the public query URL from the subgraph dashboard, or utilize a new or existing substream to process and consume web3 data.

  • 🥇 Grand Prize: $1000
  • 🥈 1st Runner-up: $600
  • 🥉 2nd Runner-up: $400


Push Protocol is the communication protocol of web3. Push protocol enables cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services tied to wallet addresses in an open, gasless, and platform-agnostic fashion. The open communication layer allows any crypto wallet / frontend to tap into the network and get the communication across. Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | YouTube | Linktree

Push Protocol is the communication protocol of web3. Push protocol enables cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services tied to wallet addresses in an open, gasless, and platform-agnostic fashion. The open communication layer allows any crypto wallet / frontend to tap into the network and get the communication across.

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | YouTube | Linktree


Push Protocol$5,000
   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,800       ㉧ $1,200   

Prize #1 - The Golden Fusion: Push All-Rounder Award

Prize: $2,000

Description: The illustrious bounty that awaits the intrepid integrator of Push notifications, Push Chat, and Push video is no ordinary prize. For instance, a web-based platform can leverage push notifications to inform users about new group chat sessions, where they can engage in real-time video discussions. Additionally, this integration can power interactive webinars, allowing presenters to deliver engaging presentations while participants actively participate through chat and video interactions. Moreover, incorporating these features into an online gaming platform can enable players to join group chats, receive real-time notifications, and even engage in video-based game streams, enhancing the social gaming experience.

Prize #2 - Best implementation of Conditional Gating with Push Chat

Prize: $1,800

Description: We invite developers to explore the capabilities of our Push Chat rules engine and implement conditional gating for online communities. The gating can include, but is not limited to, the following 🔽

Token Gated Group: Implement a rule that only allows users who hold XX number of a specific token to join the group

NFT Gated Group: Allow only users who hold a specific NFT to join the group

Multi-Chain Conditions: Enable users to join the group if they meet token holding requirements on either Ethereum or Polygon

Message Sending Conditions: Implement a rule that allows users to join a group with 1 token but requires 100 tokens to send a message within that group

Non-Web3 Conditions using Guild: Implement a rule where users must follow @pushprotocol on Twitter to join the group

Game Theories with Multiple Conditions: Create complex gating rules that combine one or more of the above conditions. For instance, a user needs 1 token on any chain to join but must hold 1000 tokens, or 1 NFT, or 20 POAPs to send messages.

Discover more:

Prize #3 - Pushing Boundaries Award (Most Creative Idea Using Push Protocol)

Prize: $1,200

Description: Most Creative or out-of-the-box Idea using the Push Protocol (that includes Notifications, chat, group chat, NFT chat, and Video), aims to encourage developers to come up with innovative and creative applications leveraging the Push Protocol. Participants would be judged based on their uniqueness, feasibility, and creativity!


XMTP (Extensible Message Transport Protocol) is an open protocol and network for secure, private messaging between Ethereum accounts. With the XMTP SDK, developers can enhance their applications with a universal inbox for direct messages, alerts, and announcements, or build new tools for dapps, DAOs, creators, and protocols to re-engage users via web3 messaging. 📥 Want to try out XMTP? Send a message to petermdenton.eth on the reference client at 

XMTP (Extensible Message Transport Protocol) is an open protocol and network for secure, private messaging between Ethereum accounts. With the XMTP SDK, developers can enhance their applications with a universal inbox for direct messages, alerts, and announcements, or build new tools for dapps, DAOs, creators, and protocols to re-engage users via web3 messaging.

📥 Want to try out XMTP? Send a message to petermdenton.eth on the reference client at 


   ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $250       ㉧ $150       ㉧ $100 ×𝟸   

For ETHOnline, XMTP is focused on reducing friction for web3 onboarding, creating mechanisms for virality, and getting creative on how developers can leverage messaging.

🔥📧 Best Encrypted Messages Hack with Lit — $1,500

Send Encrypted Messages to Email/SMS Users Using Lit's "Claimable Keys" and build a user experience around the following idea: "Send your friends a secure message through AGivenDapp. Just enter their email or phone number".

  • For example: When Alix enters an email, [email protected], [email protected] gets an email that says "Alix invited you / sent you a message / send you funds - click here to claim your wallet", Bo clicks the link to the AGivenDapp, and now has a Lit managed EOA Bo can now access the message and reply over XMTP. If Alix replies to Bo, Bo will get a new notification over email that "they have a new message waiting for them on AGivenDapp.

🐦📧 Best Onboarding Hack with Privy — $1,500

Onboard users to using email or web2 Socials using Privy. A user should be able to come to a forked version of, allow a user to "sign in" using Email/web2 social with Privy. The user should have a new embedded wallet created on their behalf.

  • Bonus points if they can export the embedded wallet later.
  • Bonus points if you let a user DM select twitter followers with a link to DM them on XMTP.

🔔📧 Best Notification Hack with Notifi — $1,500

Build a Notification Bridge Using Notifi that lets users know when they have new messages in their XMTP inboxes. A user should be able to come to a forked version of, allow a user to onboard/create an identity on the XMTP network. After creating an identity, they should be prompted to "get notifications Using Notifi's service, allowed to select Email, TG, Discord DM, or SMS as a destination to receive notifications when they get new encrypted messages on XMTP. When a user gets a new message on XMTP, they should get a messages via Notifi that tells the user "You have a new message waiting for you on XMTP" with a link to view the message in The user can click on the link, then go to, sign, and view the message.

🏆 We are also giving away 3 more prizes to teams who use XMTP in creative ways.

  • 🥇 $250
  • 🥈 $150
  • 🥉 $100

Getting Started

Developer Docs

Connect with Us


The Uniswap Foundation is the first Foundation of a major protocol to go through the community governance process, its mandate is to support the Uniswap protocol’s decentralized growth, reinvigorate governance, and serve as a Protocol advocate. Uniswap is the most renowned decentralized exchange (DEX) in the world, built on the Ethereum network. The revolutionary platform has transformed the way digital assets are traded, allowing users to swap tokens without the need for intermediaries or centralized exchanges. Uniswap's innovative approach to liquidity provision, driven by its Automated Market Maker (AMM) system, has disrupted the traditional financial landscape and set the standard for other decentralized finance (DeFi) projects. The launch of Uniswap V3 brought forth even more groundbreaking features, including concentrated liquidity, customizable fee tiers, and optimized capital efficiency. These improvements keep pushing Uniswap's position as the leading DEX and a cornerstone of the rapidly evolving DeFi ecosystem. With its massive user base, exceptional trading volume, and cutting-edge technology, Uniswap continues to inspire new ideas and drive the future of decentralized finance. With the much-anticipated launch of Uniswap V4 and the groundbreaking introduction of hooks, the DeFi landscape has been completely reimagined. Developers now have an unprecedented toolkit to build transformative applications. To celebrate this milestone, we are thrilled to announce a specialized our Hookathon during ETH Global! This hookathon is dedicated to discovering and rewarding the most inventive and impactful hook designs. Get all the technical insights you need by diving into our comprehensive V4 Documentation at Uniswap Foundation Docs.

The Uniswap Foundation is the first Foundation of a major protocol to go through the community governance process, its mandate is to support the Uniswap protocol’s decentralized growth, reinvigorate governance, and serve as a Protocol advocate.

Uniswap is the most renowned decentralized exchange (DEX) in the world, built on the Ethereum network. The revolutionary platform has transformed the way digital assets are traded, allowing users to swap tokens without the need for intermediaries or centralized exchanges. Uniswap's innovative approach to liquidity provision, driven by its Automated Market Maker (AMM) system, has disrupted the traditional financial landscape and set the standard for other decentralized finance (DeFi) projects.

The launch of Uniswap V3 brought forth even more groundbreaking features, including concentrated liquidity, customizable fee tiers, and optimized capital efficiency. These improvements keep pushing Uniswap's position as the leading DEX and a cornerstone of the rapidly evolving DeFi ecosystem. With its massive user base, exceptional trading volume, and cutting-edge technology, Uniswap continues to inspire new ideas and drive the future of decentralized finance.

With the much-anticipated launch of Uniswap V4 and the groundbreaking introduction of hooks, the DeFi landscape has been completely reimagined. Developers now have an unprecedented toolkit to build transformative applications. To celebrate this milestone, we are thrilled to announce a specialized our Hookathon during ETH Global! This hookathon is dedicated to discovering and rewarding the most inventive and impactful hook designs. Get all the technical insights you need by diving into our comprehensive V4 Documentation at Uniswap Foundation Docs.


Uniswap Foundation$5,000

🎣 Hookathon - $5,000 (Pool Prize)

Prizes will be awarded to the most innovative and unique hooks!

Project Ideas:

  • Automated Position Managers: Design hooks that auto-adjust liquidity pool positions based on certain triggers or market conditions.
  • User Experience Enhancers: Craft hooks that enrich the user experience, such as slippage protections or easy asset swapping features.
  • Social Token Hooks: Allow actions to occur on Uniswap Pools dependent upon wether or not they hold certain tokens.
  • Reduce LVR: Designs for opinionated MEV / LVR mitigation hooks.
  • TradFi Adoption: Build hooks that enable better TradFi adoption.


Tableland is a decentralized cloud database. Build on EVM chains with SQLite and develop with our (new!) Studio web app, smart contract, and SDKs. Or, try out our (alpha) data streaming protocol to bring web2 databases to web3 storage, starting with Postgres.

Tableland is a decentralized cloud database. Build on EVM chains with SQLite and develop with our (new!) Studio web app, smart contract, and SDKs. Or, try out our (alpha) data streaming protocol to bring web2 databases to web3 storage, starting with Postgres.


   ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $700       ㉧ $300 ×𝟸       ㉧ $100 ×𝟸𝟶       ㉧ $233 ×𝟹   

Prize #1

Build & deploy using the Studio: create an account, a project, define table(s), and deploy your app within the Tableland Studio web app. Bonus: use the Studio CLI tool to populate tables with data (import into deployed tables, write queries to explore, etc.). Be sure to share your Studio team name (top left corner of web UI) & dev address (top right corner) in the prize submission!

Prize #2

Use the Basin CLI tool to stream web2 Postgres database changes (e.g., AWS RDS, Google Cloud) to web3 storage. Note: requires you have superuser access to the Postgres db in order to provide access to Basin streaming. Be sure to share your web2 database & Basin setup information in the prize submission!

Prizes split

Studio: $3000 total.

🥇 First place: $1000

🥈 Second place: $700

🥉 Third place $300

🏊‍♂️ Pool: $1000

Basin: $2000 total.

🏆 Best usage: $1000

🏃 Runner up: $300

🏊‍♂️ Pool: $700

Note: requires you have superuser access to the Postgres db in order to provide access to Basin streaming. Be sure to share your web2 database & Basin setup information in the prize submission!

Getting Started

Docs (official): | Share Studio link in your submissions: | Studio web app: | Studio docs: | Basin CLI: | Basin docs:


Cometh offers a web3 development platform empowering developers to build Web3 games and DApps with ease. ## Connect: Biometry & Account Abstraction as a Service Cometh Connect simplifies how a user interacts with the blockchain and drastically improves the onboarding experience, going as far as completely abstracting wallets from users while using non-custodial solutions — offering a web2-like experience within web3. Cometh Connect allows users to create and manage their wallets with nothing else than their biometrics, safely secured on their device’s secure enclaves (smartphones, laptops…). Cometh Connect also enables sponsored transactions, allowing dApps to handle users’ transaction fees, completely abstracting the concept of gas for daily users. Essentially, end-users won’t need to pay gas fees on their favorite dApps, ever.

Cometh offers a web3 development platform empowering developers to build Web3 games and DApps with ease.

Connect: Biometry & Account Abstraction as a Service

Cometh Connect simplifies how a user interacts with the blockchain and drastically improves the onboarding experience, going as far as completely abstracting wallets from users while using non-custodial solutions — offering a web2-like experience within web3. Cometh Connect allows users to create and manage their wallets with nothing else than their biometrics, safely secured on their device’s secure enclaves (smartphones, laptops…).

Cometh Connect also enables sponsored transactions, allowing dApps to handle users’ transaction fees, completely abstracting the concept of gas for daily users. Essentially, end-users won’t need to pay gas fees on their favorite dApps, ever.


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000   

Cometh is awarding three prizes for developers who build apps using the Cometh Connect SDK during this hackathon.

  • 🥇The smoothest UX - $3000
  • 🥈Best Mobile dApps - $1000
  • 🥉Most Original - $1000