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Nillion is a secure computation network that decentralizes trust for high-value data, similar to how blockchains decentralize transactions. Using Nillion’s Python-based MPC language, Nada, developers can write programs that handle secret inputs from different users. These programs perform “blind computation,” ensuring that the underlying data remains hidden.


🙈 Best Blind App on Nillion$3,000
Up to 3 teams will receive $1,000
Build a Blind App on Nillion. A blind app runs blind computation on Nillion using one or more privacy-preserving Nada programs. Nada programs compute on secret integers without ever seeing the underlying input values, making them ideal for sensitive data operations. Check out examples of Nada programs in Nada by Example.

Qualification Requirements

- Follow our Blind App Quickstart to create an app that preserves privacy for users with our secure secret storage and retrieval and our blind computation with Nada programs - Your submission should include a Nada project with at least 1 Nada program - check out Nada by Example for examples of cool Nada programs - Store your Nada program on the Nillion Testnet. Within your README, tell us the program id. - Use our new @nillion/client-react-hooks npm package to work with Nillion from your web app frontend. - Host your web app and provide a live link that we can try out - Post a link to your hackathon submission showcase page in our Github Show and Tell forum, linked above.

💬 Nillion Feedback Award$1,000
Submit a project that includes at least 1 Nada program and provide awesome, actionable feedback that helps our team improve the Nillion developer experience of at least one aspect of Nillion.

Qualification Requirements

- Your hackathon submission includes a Nada project or uses our new Nillion React Hooks npm package. How do you create a Nada project in 5 minutes or use our npm package? These is a great question to ask the chatbot that lives in our Nillion Docs! - Developers on your team filled out our Nillion feedback form, which will be posted in the Nillion sponsor discord channel the last week of the hackathon.

🪓 Best Nillion Developer Tool$1,000
Build a developer tool, API, or project template that improves the development experience for Nillion devs in some way. Tooling can be around Nillion user keys, Nillion permissions, user id sharing while using Nillion with multiple parties, a Nillion Python Streamlit template, etc.

Qualification Requirements

- Deliver your open source tool and describe what you built and how it improves the lives of Nillion developers. - Share your tool in Nillion's Github Discussions Show and Tell forum, linked above