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CoopHive is a marketplace for compute that enables users to run arbitrary containers, including AI workloads, on any eligible compute node in the network with a single instruction. Its aim is to provide a permissionless protocol where anybody can buy or sell compute, enabling developers to run complex off-chain compute in an affordable manner, and compute providers to earn revenue using their underutilized hardware, with an on-chain record of who did what. Long-term, CoopHive is building a multi-chain, multi-currency, multi-token standard generic marketplace. It will provide the base layer for autonomous agents to execute arbitrary compute and exchange real-world assets, scientists to write and read verifiable computational histories with provenance, and mechanism designers to implement custom reward logic for multi-agent systems.


๐Ÿ’Ž Best Use of Public Datasets on Filecoin or IPFS โธบ $1,000
Best demonstration of taking a public dataset on Filecoin or IPFS and making it more valuable by computing over it.

Qualification Requirements

- new project - open source github repo, permissive license - good documentation - objective function is to maximize public good and creation/discovery of knowledge

๐Ÿ’Ž Best Use of CoopHive for AI Applications โธบ $1,500
Up to 2 teams will receive $750
Best use of CoopHive that takes advantage of its ability to run arbitrary off-chain computations, including AI workloads.

Qualification Requirements

- new project - open source github repo, permissive license - good documentation - objective function is to maximize public good and creation/discovery of knowledge

๐Ÿ’Ž Best Uses Cases Utilizing Latent Computing Power โธบ $2,500
Up to 2 teams will receive $1,250
You have the cure for cancer. But only just. You need a lot of computing power to find it, but you donโ€™t have it. And you donโ€™t have the money to pay for it. So what do you do? Faced with this question in the past, many scientists turned to volunteer distributed computing platforms like BOINC and folding@home for their computational needs. These platforms provided scientists the ability to distribute their computational workloads to volunteers around the world. Today, we can use technologies like blockchains and IPFS to store the data involved in the computations in a decentralized and persistent manner, so that anybody can reproduce the results. CoopHive is a rule set for placing IPFS CIDs on-chain. IPFS CIDs act as immutable pointers to off-chain data, meaning that the data stored on-chain is minimized relative to storing the original data itself on-chain. Enter Filecoin, with cryptoeconomics specifically designed to drive the price of public storage down to 0. With its proofs of storage, Filecoin is well-positioned to provide the necessary incentives and cryptographic primitives to store the data-heavy IPFS CIDs that result from massive scientific computing projects. Your mission, hacker, is to think of the best of use latent computing power that you can, and combine it with IPFS, Filecoin, and other data storage solutions to take advantage of enormous, untapped wealth by cryptoeconomically incentivizing using otherwise wasted resources in a productive manner.

Qualification Requirements

- new project - open source github repo, permissive license - good documentation - objective function is to maximize public good and creation/discovery of knowledge