HackFS 2024 logoHackFS 2024
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Filecoin is the L1 blockchain and storage network uniquely poised to power the open data economy. The mission of Filecoin is to create a decentralized, efficient, and robust foundation for humanity’s information. The Filecoin Virtual Machine, launched in March 2023, brings programmability to Filecoin, & has already gained traction with thousands of developers.


🏆 Best use of Filecoin or the FVM$24,000
🏊 Honorable Mentions$6,000
Split with up to 12 teams (capped at $500 per team)
We will award up to $6,000 to honorable mention projects. Each of the projects that earn Honorable Mention will win an equal share of this $6,000 prize pool.

Qualification Requirements

You must make legitimate and reasonable use of Filecoin or the FVM to qualify for this prize.

💽 Data dApps$2,000
Best tooling solutions built on storage services (e.g. lighthouse or web3.storage) or using FVM (Filecoin Solidity Library) directly to make data management flow smooth as. For example industry specific storage apps xxx.storage, perpetual storage, data aggregators, data caching nodes, truestless notaries & retrieval oracles.

Qualification Requirements

Your project must include the use of Filecoin, FVM, or related developer tooling to qualify.

🏦 Stablecoin Payments for Paid Storage Deals$2,000
Note that on the Filecoin network, there are two opportunities for Storage Providers to generate revenue –through block rewards, or by accepting payments from clients who want to store data with the Storage Provider. We call the latter “paid storage deals.” There is significant demand among Filecoin Storage Providers to receive payments for paid storage deals with a stablecoin, instead of FIL. Deploy an app on Filecoin testnet that enables stablecoin payments for Filecoin deals. We hope to see a data client flow as automated as possible.

Qualification Requirements

Your project must include the use of Filecoin, FVM, or related developer tooling to qualify. Successful projects may, but are not required to, include the following features in their app: 1. an simple, easy to use dashboard for the client to receive funds, 2. storage deal is initiated from the smart contract with FIL, 3. payment to the Storage Provider is settled in the stablecoins.

⚙️ Storage & Retrieval Provider Tooling$2,000
We have a strong interest in making the client paid storage deal onboarding process seamless, in ensuring Storage Providers are enabled and encouraged to accept paid storage deals, and in improving the process to retrieve data stored with Filecoin storage providers. Build software that serves as a solution to one of the following areas: * issues blocking clients from easily performing deals and uploading data * issues blocking storage providers from accepting paid storage deals * issues blocking clients from retrieving data

Qualification Requirements

Successful projects will clearly explain the existing problem and show how your software solves this issue in a step-by-step walkthrough video.

🤖 AI Related Tools$2,000
It is powerful to combine verifiable & decentralized storage primitives with AI. We encourage hackers to come up with use cases in the life cycle in training, developing, and using that makes use of the core competence of Filecoin Network. Ideas such as making the training process transparent, AI dataset marketplace, decentralized model distribution and storage tools, federated learning, etc. are welcomed.

Qualification Requirements

Your project must include the use of Filecoin, FVM, or related developer tooling to qualify.

🕵️ Privacy Tools$2,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $1,000
Data privacy and access control are hard topics for any decentralized storage system. We want to award hackers that use zero-knowledge proofs and/or decentralized identity or other means for access control on Filecoin Network. The goal is to help keep processing of data trusted and data content privacy while keeping the verification information public.

Qualification Requirements

Use of any Zero-knowledge proof and access control technology to ensure trusted computing and the privacy of the data combination the use of Filecoin Nodes, FVM & Filecoin Solidity Libraries, Filecoin related storage services.