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At Nethermind, we love pushing the boundaries of what's possible within the blockchain ecosystem. We invite you to leverage our tools, expertise and partnerships to bring your best ideas to life. Our work spans many areas of blockchain development, including staking innovations, the integration of AI with blockchain, advancements in ZK proofs, MEV innovations, institutional solutions, and the development of Starknet tooling and infrastructure.


🏆 Zero-Knowledge (ZK) innovations$1,500
1st place
2nd place
This prize recognizes the most innovative use of Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs within the Ethereum ecosystem, privacy enhancements, and scalability improvements. We encourage submissions that explore proof aggregation, align with Vitalik's singularity roadmap, offer zkEVM-related solutions, or develop educational tooling. While Starknet-based solutions are highlighted, we welcome any L2-based submissions that advance the use of ZK technology. - Proof Aggregation: Innovations that improve efficiency and scalability through proof aggregation. - ZK in Ethereum & L2s: Solutions that leverage ZK for privacy, scaling, and enhancing Ethereum and its L2 networks. - Novel Educational Tooling: Tools and platforms that facilitate the understanding and development of ZK applications. For example, visualization tools and interactive platforms.

Qualification Requirements

Implementation of novel ZK publication, recent advances in SNARK folding. Proof aggregation of SNARKs and STARKs. Optimizing implementation of existing SNARK/STARK systems. Novel uses of the qualifying technologies.

🏆 Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) innovations$1,500
1st place
2nd place
This prize aims to spotlight solutions that address, optimize, or innovate within the realm of Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) on Ethereum. We welcome a broad range of projects, from research- and theoretical-based explorations to practical applications, including but not limited to Proposer Builder Separation (PBS), preconfirmations, block building strategies, order flow optimizations, and MEV-related data dashboards. Participants are encouraged to draw inspiration from the pioneering work of Flashbots, SUAVE, and ongoing research by Ethereum community scholars. Suggested areas of focus - PBS & Preconfirmations: Solutions enhancing Ethereum's transaction ordering process, including PBS and preconfirmation mechanisms. - Block Building & Order Flow: Innovations in block construction and order flow management to optimize MEV extraction and mitigation. - Data Dashboards: Development of tools and dashboards that provide insights into MEV activities and opportunities. - Research Applications: Theoretical or applied research projects that contribute to the understanding and ethical harnessing of MEV.

Qualification Requirements

Pricing of preconfirmations and block space options. New searching strategies for MEV (using AI, linear programming). Mechanism design to combat builder centralization.

🏆 Data availability solutions$1,000
This prize celebrates innovative solutions that improve data availability and utilization within the blockchain ecosystem. We are looking for projects that offer new approaches to using blob space, enhance data availability (DA) on Layer 2 (L2) solutions, develop alternative DA layers for L2s, or provide insightful research on DA technologies. Submissions could include data dashboards, practical use cases around EIP-4844, unusual applications of blob space, or educational tools that elucidate DA concepts. Incorporating ideas from Starknet Volition, EIP-4844, EigenDA, and NEAR Data Availability into your projects is highly encouraged. Suggested areas of focus * Blob Space Utilization: Creative uses of blob space and solutions that address its pricing, gas implications or aggregation. * L2 Support and Alternative DA Layers: Enhancements to DA in L2 ecosystems or new DA layer propositions. * Educational Tools and Visualizers: Tools that aid in understanding DA and its impact on blockchain systems. * Research and Modeling: Studies exploring the behaviour of assets in rollups depending on the DA mechanism employed.

Qualification Requirements

Qualifications are: EigenDA, EIP-4844 blobs, NEAR DA, Celestia, Avail. Links to each are provided as resources.

🏆 User security enhancements$500
This prize targets the enhancement of security measures for users within the Ethereum ecosystem, with a special emphasis on securing transactions, smart contracts, and network interactions. Participants should propose solutions that address the security of the Cairo language, strengthen the Starknet network, and leverage Ethereum's capabilities for safer user experiences. Ideal projects may involve developing wallet extensions, tools for automated transaction analysis, enhancements to the Voyager block explorer for Starknet, and advanced auditing and formal verification tooling for Cairo smart contracts. This prize also seeks innovations in slashing protection and secure staking mechanisms, particularly for institutional stakeholders. Solutions that integrate Account Abstraction and utilize Pimlico tools to secure user experiences, as well as those contributing to the analysis of RIP-7614, are highly valued. * Cairo Language & Starknet Security: Tools and practices aimed at securing Cairo language smart contracts and the Starknet network. * Smart Contract Auditing & Formal Verification: Development of auditing and formal verification tools tailored to Starknet and Ethereum smart contracts plus AI solutions. * Slashing Protection & Secure Staking: Innovations that offer robust slashing protection and secure staking solutions for institutions. * Account Abstraction & User Experience: Use of Account Abstraction and Pimlico tools for enhancing security and user interface.

Qualification Requirements

Extensions to Cairo and extensions to Solidity. Security tooling for Cairo and Solidity. Novel formal verification tooling using Lean or other theorem-proving software. Use of pimlico. Novel RPC protection mechanisms. RIP-7614 related analyses. Security extensions to open source wallets. Slashing protection mechanisms.

🏆 Blockchain infrastructure tools$1,000
This prize is dedicated to the development of groundbreaking infrastructure tools that streamline the setup and management of nodes, relayers, and block builders for blockchain networks. We are seeking innovative solutions that facilitate the operations of DevOps teams working on Starknet, Ethereum, and various Layer 2 solutions. Submissions should focus on creating or enhancing tools for bridging solutions, Decentralized Validator Networks (DVNs), Actively Validator Services (AVSs), data availability (DA) infrastructure, and infrastructure for block explorers and APIs. Additionally, innovative ideas for rollups as a service and Layer 3 (L3) tooling tailored for Starknet are welcome. Suggested areas of focus * Node, relayer, and block builder tools: Solutions that simplify the setup and management of blockchain infrastructure components. * Bridging solutions & DVNs: Projects that enhance interoperability between chains and improve network security and decentralization, with a nod to our partnership with LayerZero and EigenLayer. * Data availability & block explorer infrastructure: Development of infrastructure supporting data availability and advanced block explorers and APIs, including integration with Voyager API, StarknetRPC, and BlockScout. * Rollups as a Service & L3 tooling for Starknet: Innovations in providing scalable, efficient rollup services and developing Layer 3 solutions specifically for the Starknet ecosystem.

Qualification Requirements

LayerZero tooling, EigenLayer AVS, BlockScout API, Voyager API, Nethermind RPC service, Starknet tooling, Nethermind Client

🏆 Account abstraction & user experience$1,500
1st place
2nd place
This prize recognizes groundbreaking solutions enhancing user experience via account abstraction on blockchain platforms, focusing on Starknet and Ethereum. We seek innovative Starknet native account abstraction uses and wallet solutions like Braavos and Argent. Projects integrating account abstraction with bridging, using Starknet and LayerZero tooling, stand out. Furthermore, we welcome the exploration of account abstraction in the context of MEV, especially projects that integrate with SUAVE. This category also considers World ID by Worldcoin for identity verification in blockchain interactions, account abstraction tooling for platforms like Farcaster, educational content on account abstraction, and reviews or implementations of relevant Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs), such as EIP-3074. - Starknet account abstraction & wallet solutions: Leveraging Braavos and Argent for enhanced user experiences or creating novel Account contracts. - World ID Integration: Innovative World ID integrations with account abstraction for improved identity verification. and user authentication. - Account abstraction visualizers: Visualizers that simplify user interactions with account abstraction features. - Cross-chain: Solutions that integrate account abstraction with bridging technologies, particularly using Starknet and LayerZero. - MEV & account abstraction: Investigating the relationship between account abstraction and MEV, with a focus on the SUAVE project.

Qualification Requirements

Blockscout API (for visualisers), Pimlico, Braavos, Argent, LayerZero bridge, Flashbots SUAVE, World ID, Starknet Abstract Accounts.

🏆 Metaverse Development$1,000
This prize encourages the creation of innovative solutions that push the boundaries of metaverse development, incorporating advanced technologies and blockchain capabilities. We invite participants to develop projects that leverage the potential of partners like Improbable and Starknet, and are compatible with devices such as Quest 3 and Apple Vision Pro. Submissions should focus on creating generative worlds, utilizing NFTs for metaverse engagement, and building blockchain economy support for metaverse events and digital art showcases. We are particularly interested in solutions that enhance Starknet gaming experiences within the metaverse, utilize computational integrity, and incorporate account abstraction for seamless metaverse interactions. Suggested areas of focus * Generative worlds: Innovative use of technology to create dynamic, evolving virtual environments. * NFTs for metaverse engagement: Development of NFTs that enhance user interaction and ownership within the metaverse. * Blockchain economy for metaverse events: Solutions that leverage blockchain to support economic transactions and interactions within digital events and art exhibitions. * Starknet gaming: Enhancing gaming experiences in the metaverse through Starknet's capabilities, focusing on scalability, security, and user engagement. * Computational integrity & account abstraction: Utilizing these technologies to ensure secure and seamless user experiences within the metaverse.

Qualification Requirements

MSquared, Starknet, VR headsets (Quest 3, Apple Vision Pro etc), and Generative AI models.

🏆 Institutional Blockchain Solutions$1,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $500
The prize promotes the development of blockchain solutions that facilitate institutional adoption. It seeks projects that streamline processes, enhance security, and ensure robustness for institutions engaging with blockchain technology. Areas of interest include the development of Nethermind plugins tailored for institutional needs, institutional staking mechanisms, customized wallets, DeFi platforms designed for institutional usage, comprehensive research and analytical dashboards, and KYB/KYC tooling with enhanced safeguards. * Streamline blockchain adoption processes for institutions like immutable audit trails for position reconciliation. * Cryptographic receipts for PoS, ownership, or reserves. Monitoring of liquidity pool toxicity levels. * Secure staking protocols and wallets tailored for institutional users and optimal exit strategy from staked/delegated assets. * Platforms and tools that make DeFi usable for institutions, ensuring compliance and security while focusing on liquidity and secondary markets benefits. * Tools that provide institutions with insights into blockchain markets and tech covering but not limited to dashboards presenting all assets held at various custodians, staking solutions, and queue length. * Advanced on-chain KYB and KYC solutions that meet institutional standards for security and compliance. Solving ongoing chain due diligence and risk tiers. * Sandboxes to leverage and test tokenization principles in a safe and controlled environment.

Qualification Requirements

On-chain KYC/AML Solution, Blockchain Data API, Tokenization standards (ERC-1400; ERC-3643, CAT, etc.), Lend/Borrow protocols, proof of personhood solutions for institutions, ERC-4337 based solutions for institutions, attestation services for institutions, coprocessors usage for institutions, usage of SUAVE for institutional clients / TradFi.

🏆 Staking/restaking innovations$1,500
1st place
2nd place
This prize is for projects exploring innovative approaches to staking or restaking on Ethereum. We are looking for submissions that demonstrate early-stage implementations or experimental data solutions. Projects should aim to contribute to the staking ecosystem, focusing on practicality, creativity, and technical execution. While complete projects are appreciated, well-executed components of a larger idea are also valuable.

Qualification Requirements

New restaking use case on EigenLayer, AVS tooling, distributed validator applications and improvements. Novel data dashboards for EigenLayer, Obol, or Lido. Extending Ethereum functionality through the staking/restaking primitives. Restaking/staking related EIP proposals.

🏆 AI integration in blockchain$2,000
1st place
2nd place
$500 ×2
This prize seeks innovative solutions at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology. We encourage participants to explore AI applications that enhance blockchain functionality, user experience, identity verification, truth verification, and more. Submissions can range from AI-supported user onboarding processes to advanced solutions for maintaining Machine Learning (ML) computational integrity using Starknet and Zero-Knowledge (ZK) proofs. Research projects examining the role of AI in blockchain are also welcome, as are solutions leveraging AI for on-chain trading and Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) optimization. Suggested areas of focus * ML Computational Integrity: Explore how Starknet and ZK proofs can support the integrity of ML computations on the blockchain. * User Experience: Solutions that use AI to improve blockchain user onboarding, interaction, and overall experience. * Identity and Truth Verification: AI-driven approaches to enhance identity verification and truth verification processes on the blockchain. * On-Chain Trading and MEV: Innovations using AI to optimize trading strategies and MEV on the blockchain. * On-chain AI: DAOs and other on-chain contracts using decisions from verifiable AI.

Qualification Requirements, modulus, pth, GGML, ckpt, ONNX, HF, Safetensor, and any AI model (LLMs, huggingface models) interacting with or on any chain. We prefer the use of open-source models.

🏆 Best projects building on Starknet$5,500
Up to 4 teams will receive $1,375
Starknet unlocks the ability to utilize significantly more compute because of its pioneering Stark prover system. This category is simple, implement anything in Cairo on Starknet, with one caveat: It must use significantly more on-chain or provable off-chain compute to differentiate it from the competition. Novel applications that don’t exist in the Starknet ecosystem are preferred. Applications can assume the existence of an off-chain Cairo prover SHARP. API keys for SHARP may be available by the time of the hackathon. Note: If you use SHARP, you must use Cario 0, which is not the easiest language or stack.

Qualification Requirements

The most significant portion of the project must be a contract run on Starknet. Contestants need to submit a short description of what the application does, a justification of why a large unlock in compute makes this application novel and a link to the contract on Starknet Goerli or Sepolia. The usage of Nethermind Starknet RPC and Voyager API is preferred. Alternatively, projects using the Cairo playground and SHARP with a contract on Ethereum’s Seploia network are valid, too.

🤝 Best Web3 Social$2,000
1st place
2nd place
$500 ×2
This prize is dedicated to the development of groundbreaking infrastructure tools that streamline the setup and management of nodes, relayers, and block builders for blockchain networks. We are seeking innovative solutions that facilitate the operations of DevOps teams working on Starknet, Ethereum, and various Layer 2 solutions. Submissions should focus on creating or enhancing tools for bridging solutions, Decentralized Validator Networks (DVNs), Actively Validator Services (AVSs), data availability (DA) infrastructure, and infrastructure for block explorers and APIs. Additionally, innovative ideas for rollups as a service and Layer 3 (L3) tooling tailored for Starknet are welcome. Suggested areas of focus * Node, relayer, and block builder tools: Solutions that simplify the setup and management of blockchain infrastructure components. * Bridging solutions & DVNs: Projects that enhance interoperability between chains and improve network security and decentralization, with a nod to our partnership with LayerZero and EigenLayer. * Data availability & block explorer infrastructure: Development of infrastructure supporting data availability and advanced block explorers and APIs, including integration with Voyager API, StarknetRPC, and BlockScout. * Rollups as a Service & L3 tooling for Starknet: Innovations in providing scalable, efficient rollup services and developing Layer 3 solutions specifically for the Starknet ecosystem.

Qualification Requirements

LayerZero tooling, EigenLayer AVS, BlockScout API, Voyager API, Nethermind RPC service, Starknet tooling, Nethermind Client


Unveiling Ethereum's challenges: Our approach...

In this workshop, explore Ethereum's challenges related to AI and blockchain. We'll discuss Starknet's role in scal...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 1


Worldcoin is building the world’s largest identity and financial network as a public utility, giving ownership to everyone. World ID, part of the Worldcoin ecosystem, is the privacy-first identity protocol that brings global proof of personhood to the internet.


🆔 Best World ID Usage$10,000
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
Honorable Mention
These prizes are for the best overall use cases of World ID, Worldcoin's privacy-preserving proof of personhood protocol. Show us your ideas for where anti-bot and anti-sybil have the greatest impact!

Qualification Requirements

- Integrate Sign in with World ID or Incognito Actions. - World ID must be fully integrated. Proof validation is required and needs to occur in a web backend or smart contract.

🖼️ Most Creative Use Case$2,500
This prize is for the most creative use case of World ID. Past winners have included dating apps, coupon programs, agricultural finance, and more!

Qualification Requirements

- Integrate Sign in with World ID or Incognito Actions. - World ID must be fully integrated. Proof validation is required and needs to occur in a web backend or smart contract.

👩‍⚖️ Best Governance App$2,500
This prize is for the best governance application of World ID -- this can include DAO governance, private voting, etc.

Qualification Requirements

- Integrate Sign in with World ID or Incognito Actions. - World ID must be fully integrated. Proof validation is required and needs to occur in a web backend or smart contract.

👍 Best Public Goods Use Case$2,500
This prize is for the best usage of World ID for Public Goods -- this can include public goods funding, quadratic funding/matching, or anything else that's primarily for a public benefit!

Qualification Requirements

- Integrate Sign in with World ID or Incognito Actions. - World ID must be fully integrated. Proof validation is required and needs to occur in a web backend or smart contract.

🏊 Pool Prize$2,500
Split with up to 36 teams (capped at $69 per team)
The Pool Prize will be evenly distributed to all projects that integrate World ID (excluding those that win a separate prize from Worldcoin).

Qualification Requirements

Projects must demonstrate a good-faith effort to integrate World ID to be eligible for the pool prize.


🛠️ Global Proof of Personhood with World ID

Learn to integrate World ID into your application for protection against bots and sybil attacks!

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 3


Designed with you in mind, Arbitrum is the leading Layer 2 technology that empowers you to explore and build in the largest Layer 1 ecosystem, Ethereum.


✒️  Stylus Project $6,000
1st place
2nd place
Stylus lets you write smart contracts in programming languages that compile down to WASM, such as Rust, C, C++, and many others. Stylus contracts are over an order of magnitude faster with significantly lower gas fees. Deploy an application on Stylus testnet that takes advantage of Stylus’ improved speed, cost, and performance.

Qualification Requirements

- Deploy your contracts on Arbitrum Stylus Testnet. - Is an open source repository that improves the developer experience for applications on Arbitrum or Orbit chains

📚 Best Library / Framework (”Best Use of Arbitrum Library”)$6,000
1st place
2nd place
Creative use of one of Arbitrum’s public SDKs (Orbit, Arbitrum, etc.) in a novel use case or application. OR creation of a new developer tool that interfaces with the Arbitrum tech stack.

Qualification Requirements

- Deployed on Arb One, Arb Nova (or an Orbit Chain). - Host your submission in an open source GitHub repository What are examples of use cases you are looking to solve? - Use of the Arbitrum SDK or Orbit SDK. - Contribution to the Arbitrum SDK or Orbit SDK. - Novel development of an SDK for use on Arbitrum One, Nova, or an Orbit chain. - Host your submission in an open source GitHub repository

🤳 DeSoc$3,000
1st place
2nd place
Decentralized Social platforms that offer users sufficiently decentralized infrastructure in order to own their accounts, content, and connections have recently become permissionless. Leverage the social graphs from these protocols (e.g. Farcaster, Lens) to build a consumer application that is improved by the integration of this infrastructure.

Qualification Requirements

- Deployed on Arb One, Arb Nova (or an Orbit Chain). - Host your submission in an open source GitHub repository - Leverages or integrated with a DeSoc platform What problem are we looking to solve? - A voting or polling platform - An e-commerce application - Mechanism for collective action or fundraising - Assigning value to and meaningfully utilizing social capital

👌 Most Original $2,000
1st place
2nd place
Application or infrastructure project to address the Arbitrum use case. We encourage you to be creative, and show us something we may have never seen before!

Qualification Requirements

- Deployed on Arb One, Arb Nova (or an Orbit Chain). - Host your submission in an open source GitHub repository

🎱 Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions$3,000
Split with up to 69 teams (capped at $43 per team)
Qualifying submissions, on Arbitrum will be eligible to receive a portion of the prize. Ensure that your entry meets the specified criteria to earn a share of this pool prize!

Qualification Requirements

- Deployed on Arb One, Arb Nova (or an Orbit Chain). - Host your submission in an open source GitHub repository


🛠️ Introduction to Arbitrum Stylus: write sm...

Start creating Arbitrum smart contracts in Rust with our newest tech, Stylus. Stylus contracts are cost-effective, ...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 1


The Chiliz Chain is the open layer 1 protocol for sport and entertainment, supported by the business infrastructure of the Chiliz Group. was built on top of the first iteration of the Chiliz Chain, together with our native utility token asset class - Fan Tokens.


🛠 Fan Utility Projects$7,500
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Retail facing platforms which optimally utilize Fan Tokens for social, commerce, live event etc experience focuses.

Qualification Requirements

Operational smart contracts Direct utilization of 1 or more Fan Token assets. Scoring based on: - Idea/concept - Technical execution rating

🏈 SportFi Projects$7,500
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
DEX, Lending, SocialFi, gamified/ pool betting, lossless betting etc. platforms either integrating or not integrating Fan Tokens directly, as well as SportFi infrastructure projects i.e Oracles, transaction facilitation tools etc.

Qualification Requirements

Operational Smart Contracts Any thematic connection to sport and entertainment. Scoring based on: - Idea/concept - Technical execution rating

🏊 Pool Prize$5,000
Split with up to 41 teams (capped at $122 per team)
The shared Pool Prize will be split between all projects submitted successfully.

Qualification Requirements

Any project that is deployed successfully on Chiliz Spicy testnet qualifies for the shared pool prize.



About Filecoin Filecoin is the L1 blockchain and storage network uniquely poised to power the open data economy. The mission of Filecoin is to create a decentralized, efficient, and robust foundation for humanity’s information. The Filecoin Virtual Machine, launched in March 2023, brings programmability to Filecoin, & has already gained traction with thousands of developers. About InterPlanetary Consensus (IPC) With IPC, decentralized apps can reach planetary-scale through recursively scalable subnets, sub-second transactions, robust compute workloads, and highly adaptable WebAssembly runtimes tailored to dev requirements. It enables the creation of flexible, living networks of customizable sidechains or "subnets", which can achieve massive scaling by running parallel chains that interoperate with one another. The journey begins with supercharging devs’ capabilities on the Filecoin network.


🚀 Build Data Economies & Tools Together with Filecoin$10,000Delivered in FIL tokens
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Runners Up
$500 ×5
There is a rapidly growing need for decentralized, secure and efficient data storage solutions. The Filecoin network offers ground breaking solutions that anticipate data needs for today's world and beyond. Your challenge is to build dApps, dev tooling, storage provider tooling, or data client apps that benefits all network participants. Think for data owners, data preparers, token holders, storage providers, node operators, developers & storage software vendors. 🚀 Data Marketplaces: Best solutions to supercharge the open data economy on Filecoin, via FVM-enabled smart storage features such as upload/retrieval, data replication/repair/deal renewal. E.g. A place for trading bots to buy formatted financial market data to reduce training cost. 🚀 Data Onboarding: Filecoin is designed to onboard large scale data. Meeting everyday individuals & businesses needs some effort. We encourage any solution that makes clients easily store with Filecoin SPs with ease of mind. E.g. Data Insurance, allows Filecoin clients to get financial assurance of data security. Meaning smart contracts can provide SLA terms for clients. 🚀 AI + Filecoin: Quality data determines the quality of many AI projects. Filecoin’s network is great for storing raw data and training AI models. We encourage ideas that combine Filecoin with AI tooling. E.g. A Data explorer that helps AI companies to find correct public data on Filecoin for training.
🌌 Most meaningful use of Interplanetary Consensus for scalability$10,000Delivered in FIL tokens
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Runners Up
$500 ×5
Interplanetary Consensus (IPC) is a new hyper-customizable scalability framework for both horizontal and vertical scaling, currently rooted to Filecoin and designed to be multi-chain! Prizes will be awarded to the most meaningful usage of a custom IPC subnet, where you deploy your custom subnet(s) and utilize general message passing to perform tasks e.g. transactions, data aggregation etc. Bonus points for advanced configuration of a subnet for custom syscalls and built-in actors to run specialized tasks e.g. machine learning. Qualifying technologies: Interplanetary Consensus


Get started with InterPlanetary Consensus sub...

InterPlanetary Consensus (IPC) enhances Filecoin scalability. This workshop covers IPC setup, subnet/appchain custo...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:00 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 1


Hyperlane is the permissionless interoperability framework connecting the modular ecosystem. With Hyperlane, anyone can connect any blockchain, rollup, appchain, on any VM. Additionally, Hyperlane’s modular security stack gives developers the power to customize their interchain security to their needs.


🥇 Best Use of Hyperlane $2,500
The grand prize will be given to the most compelling submissions made during the hackathon. It can qualify under any of the categories below, so be sure to read them to get some ideas! Think of the grand prize as an extension of the category prizes.

Qualification Requirements

Get in touch with the team for more details!

🚝 Best Permissionless Use of Hyperlane$3,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $1,500
Anyone can permissionlessly deploy Hyperlane to any blockchain environment, whether it is a Layer 1, rollup, or app-chain, allowing that chain to communicate seamlessly with any other chain on which Hyperlane has been deployed. Enhance this feature to make connecting / exploring / using new chains as easy as possible.

Qualification Requirements

Get in touch with the team for more details!

🎨 Most Creative use of Hyperlane$1,500
Hyperlane spans many components and layers of complexity. Build a user app, tooling, contract, or anything that contributes to this ecosystem. Without being prescriptive, this can include dashboards, DeFi apps, off-chain agent self-hosting, cross-chain DAO interfaces, relayer key funders.

Qualification Requirements

Get in touch with the team for more details!

🧩 Best Modular Use of Hyperlane $2,000
Hyperlane is designed with modularity in mind. Notably, its interchain security modules give developers control over their security model, allowing them to configure, compose, and customize security according to the needs of their application. Build a project that takes full advantage of this, such as an ISM, a Hook, a UI, tooling, etc.

Qualification Requirements

Get in touch with the team for more details!

🚀 Most Ambitious Use of Hyperlane$1,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $500
Given to the most compelling submissions made during the hackathon. It can qualify under any of the categories below, so be sure to read them to get some ideas! Think of it as an extension of the category prizes.

Qualification Requirements

Get in touch with the team for more details!


Building with Hyperlane Interoperability Fram...

Join Dan to learn what you can build with Hyperlane, as well as get an overview of the bounties and project example...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:20 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 1


Circle's technology suite includes: A. Stablecoin Protocol: This protocol simplifies the store and transfer of USDC, Circle's stablecoin, ensuring secure, dollar-backed transactions on EVM-compatible blockchains. B. Cross Chain Transfer Protocol (CCTP): CCTP enables the secure movement of USDC across blockchain networks through a permissionless utility that burns and mints tokens natively. C. Circle Web3 Services: A suite of products that simplifies the creation of blockchain applications with intuitive interfaces for Web and Mobile use cases, including: - Programmable Wallets: Embeddable Web3 wallet technology for developer applications on mobile and web. - Smart Contract Platform: Tools for easy integration, creation, deployment, and management of smart contracts. - Gas Station: A service that abstracts away transaction gas fees for end-users, enabling gasless blockchain experiences when combined with programmable wallets.


🏆 Best Application for Cross Border Payments$2,000
Build an application (either mobile or web app) that uses Circle products for cost-effective international money transfers, saving costs while enhancing margins. Examples of applications include: * Payroll platforms * International Remittances * Peer-to-Peer payments * Marketplaces Recommended Developer Tools: USDC, CCTP, Programmable Wallets, Smart Contract Platform, and Gas Station.

Qualification Requirements

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following parameters: - Functional MVP: Projects must demonstrate a working MVP pertinent to the event's focus area. Ensure that your MVP uses the recommended developer tools. - Development Documentation: Entrants should present a thoroughly documented development journey with a clear GitHub commit history reflective of ongoing, incremental work. - Integration Challenges and Feedback: Any API/Product integration difficulties must be fully logged in GitHub Issues, along with constructive critiques and improvement suggestions for the tools and documentation utilized. - Clear Presentation and Documentation: A video succinctly outlining the project's core functions and its effective use of Circle's Developer tools/tech is required, supported by well-explained and detailed documentation(e.g well-formatted README).

🏆 Best Application for Dollar Access$2,000
Build an application (either mobile or web app) with use cases that utilize Circle products to provide global access to digital dollars, offering financial stability through the ability to hold and transact in digital dollars. The application will provide a stable store of value to users worldwide without needing a bank account. Examples may include the following; - Wallets, - Consumer apps, - Payments apps. Recommended Developer Tools: USDC, CCTP, Programmable Wallets, Smart Contract Platform, and Gas Station.

Qualification Requirements

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following parameters: - Functional MVP: Projects must demonstrate a working MVP pertinent to this category focus area - Dollar Access. Ensure that your MVP uses the recommended developer tools. - Development Documentation: Entrants should present a thoroughly documented development journey with a clear GitHub commit history reflective of ongoing, incremental work. - Integration Challenges and Feedback: Any API/Product integration difficulties must be fully logged in GitHub Issues, along with constructive critiques and improvement suggestions for the tools and documentation utilized. - Clear Presentation and Documentation: A video succinctly outlining the project's core functions and its effective use of Circle's Developer tools/tech is required, supported by well-explained and detailed documentation(e.g well-formatted README).

🏆 Best Application for Crypto Capital Markets$2,000
Build an application (either mobile or web app/service integration) with use cases involving USDC & Circle products for DeFi activities such as trading, lending digital assets, saving, etc. Users of the application should be able use USDC in your app to enable to trade, borrow, and lend with the most widely Circle's stablecoins. Examples may include the following; - Using USDC as collateral for borrowing and lending digital assets, - Providing loans with USDC - Trading against various crypto assets. Recommended Developer Tools: USDC, CCTP, Programmable Wallets, Smart Contract Platform, and Gas Station.

Qualification Requirements

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following parameters: - Functional MVP: Projects must demonstrate a working MVP pertinent to this category's focus area - Crypto Capital Markets. Ensure that your MVP uses the recommended developer tools. - Development Documentation: Entrants should present a thoroughly documented development journey with a clear GitHub commit history reflective of ongoing, incremental work. - Integration Challenges and Feedback: Any API/Product integration difficulties must be fully logged in GitHub Issues, along with constructive critiques and improvement suggestions for the tools and documentation utilized. - Clear Presentation and Documentation: A video succinctly outlining the project's core functions and its effective use of Circle's Developer tools/tech is required, supported by well-explained and detailed documentation(e.g well-formatted README).

🏆 Best Applications for Emerging Use Cases with Circle Products$4,000
1st place
2nd place
Build an application (either mobile or web app) that focuses on innovative solutions outside or a combination of other Circle's categories. Using Circle products and services, build novel and bespoke applications that will change the landscape of Web3 now and in the future. Examples may include the following; - Use USDC and Programmable Wallets in an AI use case around payments for inferences or compute. Extra points for developing AI agents that can bank themselves by receiving USDC for tasks they perform, and spending USDC on services or other AI agents to complete more tasks. - A Web3 social platform empowering secure transactions and sustainable growth through trusted identities and digital content creation. - A creator-focused platform that utilizes USDC and smart contracts for content production, distribution, and monetization with full creator control and ownership. - A DeFi application that leverages CCTP for improved interoperability, enabling cross-chain payments and swaps with enhanced security and liquidity. - Gaming applications

Qualification Requirements

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following parameters: - Functional MVP: Projects must demonstrate a working MVP pertinent to the category's focus area - Emerging Use Case. Ensure that your MVP uses the recommended developer tools. - Development Documentation: Entrants should present a thoroughly documented development journey with a clear GitHub commit history reflective of ongoing, incremental work. - Integration Challenges and Feedback: Any API/Product integration difficulties must be fully logged in GitHub Issues, along with constructive critiques and improvement suggestions for the tools and documentation utilized. - Clear Presentation and Documentation: A video succinctly outlining the project's core functions and its effective use of Circle's Developer tools/tech is required, supported by well-explained and detailed documentation(e.g well-formatted README).


🛠️ Create Gasless Transaction with Circle's ...

In our 20-min workshop, you will learn how to address blockchain UX and gas fee challenges with Circle's Programmab...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:20 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 2


Dive into Gnosis Pay: Join us in revolutionizing blockchain payments with Gnosis Pay. We're looking for innovative solutions that streamline transactions, enhance security, and improve user experiences. Whether it's integrating new payment methods or crafting user-centric designs, your contribution can help set a new standard in the crypto payment landscape. At the foundation of Gnosis Pay are Safe Smart Accounts, you can use the Safe AA SDK to build payment apps for Gnosis Pay!


🖼️ Decentralized Application (DApp) Interaction with Gnosis Pay $2,500
1st place
2nd place
Develop an innovative solution that enables seamless interaction between Gnosis Pay Account Safe users and various decentralized applications (DApps) using our Delay Module. The solution should ensure that all transactions initiated from DApps are securely queued in the Gnosis Pay delay module, providing users with enhanced control and security over their funds. Any transaction initiated from DApps needs to be queued in the Gnosis Pay delay module. Why? So that debit card transactions are not rugpulled while using a DApp (i.e. race condition).This prize aims to promote the integration of Gnosis Pay's secure infrastructure with the DApp ecosystem, empowering users to engage with DApps while maintaining robust safeguards against potential risks.

Qualification Requirements

- Needs to work with the delay module on the Safe - Needs to be deployed (Gnosis Chiado testnet or Gnosis mainnet)

📈 Yield Bearing Tokens Integration with Gnosis Pay$4,500
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Make Gnosis Pay users earn yield on their debit card! The challenge? Users can't directly pay in yield tokens! Potential solutions include: - A solution that enables Gnosis Pay cardholders to hold and automatically convert interest-earning tokens (e.g., sDAI, wstETH) to EURe or GBPe tokens (e.g. via CoW order) whenever the balance drops below a threshold, ensuring yield and while still holding enough tokens to satisfy your grocery shopping. - A smart contract solution to provide guaranteed on chain liquidity for seamless sDAI to EURe conversions. This contract should hold a reserve of EURe and offer real-time quotes, ensuring users can hold sDAI effortlessly without manual liquidity management. The contract must include a safety feature, such as a 2-minute delay for quote adjustments or EURe withdrawals, to protect against rapid market changes. This will enable users to hold and use sDAI on their Gnosis Pay Safe Accounts with the confidence of having immediate access to EURe liquidity, streamlining the payment process on the Gnosis Pay platform.

Qualification Requirements

- Needs to work with the delay module on the Safe - Needs to be deployed (Gnosis Chiado testnet or Gnosis mainnet) - Optional: if you own a gnosis safe card you can build on mainnet but only with delay and roles module in production, beaware of any funds that you may transfer.

🧨 Other Innovative Use Cases on Top of Gnosis Pay$3,000
Up to 4 teams will receive $750
Propose and develop a novel idea that leverages Gnosis Pay for innovative payment solutions, enhancing the utility and adoption of Gnosis Pay within the blockchain ecosystem. Some Ideas: - Reward users NFT when reaching certain events (first tx, first refund, spend more than 20EURe)

Qualification Requirements

- Needs to be deployed (Gnosis Chiado testnet or Gnosis mainnet)


🛠️ Gnosis Pay Workshop

Gnosis Pay is the world's first on-chain, self-custodial debit card. Gnosis Pay is built on top of Gnosis Chain, on...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 2


Uniswap needs no introduction and its upcoming version, Uniswap v4, reignites the protocol as a premier platform for developers. With the introduction of Hooks, developers get to plug arbitrary solidity logic inside the swap lifecycle. Whether it’s pool creation, swaps, or liquidity modifications, developers can elect to execute solidity logic before and after an operation has happened. --- Beyond hooks, v4 also introduces dynamic fees, flash accounting, ERC-6909 balances, and a singleton design — all to enable gas-efficient complex operations. From token-based fee discounts to MEV minimization, v4 provides an wide opportunity for researchers and developers — regardless of skillset. --- Because v4 is lacking a robust user interface, having a proper interface for submission is NOT mandatory. To improve eligibility for prizes please attempt to incorporate: • well-designed unit tests with proper assertions • or successful testnet transactions • or local testing on anvil


🪝 Best Use of Hook Features$5,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Leverage one (or multiple!) first-class hook features --- • Dynamic Fees - showcase potential hooks that rely on dynamic fees to reward LPs or swappers • Custom Curves - showcase hooks swapping on a custom curve • Hook Fees - charge bespoke fees • NoOp - Elect to skip or delay an operation --- Please see "Ideas & Inspiration" below, for more!

Qualification Requirements

Please provide evidence of working code -- unit tests, testnet transactions, or local testing scripts Eligible projects MUST submit to

🧱 Hooks & External Integrations$2,500
Integrate and compose external infrastructure with hooks. This list is not comprehensive and only serves as an example. Please consider all possible external providers!! Submissions must incorporate external providers with a hook • Axiom - ZK coprocessor, access historical onchain data • Brevis - ZK coprocessor, access historical onchain data • Clique - Attestations • SUAVE - an alternative mempool with decentralized block building • Violet - Compliance registry • Aethos - Compliance registry • Others

Qualification Requirements

The hook must integrate with an external provider. Please provide evidence of working code -- unit tests, testnet transactions, or local testing scripts Eligible projects MUST submit to

💡 Open Track - Pool Operators, Public Goods, Research$2,500
An open track for innovation related to Uniswap v4. For submissions that are not immediately implementing a hook. Examples include, but are not limited to: • Pool Operators (periphery) - Contracts that call PoolManager • Public Goods - General purpose software, for the benefit of all • Research - MEV/LVR/Routing/Malicious Design Please see "Ideas & Inspiration" below, for more!

Qualification Requirements

Please provide evidence of working code -- unit tests, testnet transactions, or local testing scripts Eligible projects MUST submit to


💸 Uniswap v4: Dynamic Fees

Create a hook with dynamic swap fees! Get alpha on dynamic fee use-cases Peer into how hook contracts are defined L...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:00 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 1


Safe brings digital ownership of accounts to everyone by building universal and open contract standards for the custody of digital assets, data, and identity.


🚀 Best app integrating the Safe 4337 Module$8,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
Build an application that supports Safe accounts v1.4.1 that use the Safe 4337 Module and Pimlico.

Qualification Requirements

The app must be able to deploy or connect existing Safe accounts and execute gassless transactions with them via the module to qualify.

🖼️ Best Safe Farcaster frame$2,000
Build, deploy and publish a frame on Farcaster that works with Safe smart accounts. Very nice to have: Usage of the Safe 4337 Module within the frame.

Qualification Requirements

Without redirecting to an app outside Farcaster, the frame must be able to deploy or use existing Safe accounts and execute transactions with them to qualify. The frame must be shared on Farcaster and ready to use.


Building with the Safe 4337 Module

Learn about the Safe 4337 Module, how to enable it and execute sponsored transactions using Pimlico infrastructure.

This workshop is happening in-person

03:40 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 1


NEAR Protocol is a climate-neutral, high-speed & low transaction fee layer-1 blockchain. #NEARisNOW


✍️ Best Use of Chain Signatures: Cross-Chain Apps Without Bridges$5,000
Building a cross-chain product? Meet Chain Signatures: the latest programmable MPC technology that enables cross-chain protocols to support every chain (even non-smart contract chains), eliminate the risk of bridging, and unify user experience. Demonstrate a creative use case of the Chain Signatures API, such as account aggregation: a single NEAR account that can sign transactions on any EVM network, and even Bitcoin. Get creative and explore the beginnings of chain abstraction, where users don’t have to think about which chain they are on! *Your deployment should be on the NEAR testnet and may incorporate any ECDSA-based blockchain of your choice. Claim your testnet account and tokens at the NEAR booth.

Qualification Requirements

- Your submission must be deployed on the NEAR testnet. - Your submission may incorporate any ECDSA-based blockchain(s) of your choice. - Your submission must NOT be a simple fork of an existing example with minimal changes. - Your submission should include a basic readme file explaining the scope of the project - Your submission should demonstrate a creative chain signatures API use case. For example: 1) Account aggregation: aggregate accounts and transactions across several chains while only signing with NEAR. 2) Pay in $NEAR, validate price by oracle in a NEAR contract, and have this contract MPC sign and transfer an asset, fungible or non-fungible, on another chain. 3) Protect accounts on other chains with a NEAR smart contract that can only call an MPC to sign when certain conditions are met. You will be judged by: - Creativity and originality of the idea. - Quality and completeness of the product. - BONUS: Feedback on the chain signatures technology and developer experience to help improve it before mainnet launch (we will read every word!)

Links and Resources

🤝 Boost Your Startup with NEAR Horizon$5,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Buidling a Web3 startup? Got your first users already? This bounty is just for you. Integrate Near, Aurora or any Near adjacent project throughout the hackathon to win up to $5k and get a place in a Web3 native, equity free accelerator that provides multifaceted support for early stage projects. The winners might join NEAR Horizon's cohort and receive support in their next funding rounds along with up to $50k in Horizon Credits to purchase services (engineering, design, marketing etc) from one of the accelerator's partners.

Qualification Requirements

- You have a working product and are moving closer towards product market fit. Bonus points if you have users already! - Near, Aurora, or any Near adjacent project must be meaningfully integrated during the hackathon. Testnet or mainnet, your demo should be clickable and working, please no Figma mockups. - UX/UI: Fully functional browser based or mobile dApp. Submissions will be judged by these criteria: - Founder-market fit (the team has some professional background on the market they're entering e.g. a space tech startup needs to have at least one rocket scientist as a contributor or advisor ) - Technical excellence - Business model


Chain Signatures: Cross-Chain Apps Without Br...

Building a cross-chain product? Meet Chain Signatures: the latest programmable MPC technology that enables cross-ch...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:40 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 2


The Ethereum Name Service is a decentralised naming protocol for the new internet. ENS enables you to have a portable web3 username and profile. Use it to establish an online identity, simplify crypto payments for any blockchain, and host decentralised websites. ENS supports .eth names natively, as well as any DNS names you already own (.com, .xyz, etc.). There are millions of ENS names, 700k+ unique users, and hundreds of integrated services including some of the largest wallets (MetaMask, Coinbase, Rainbow), dApps (Uniswap, Etherscan, Farcaster), and browsers (Brave). Come by our booth to ask any questions!


👨‍💻 Best contribution to an open source library$1,000
Offchain ENS names are becoming more popular, but there are still a few prominent web3 libraries that don't (fully) support resolving these types of names. To be eligible for this prize, open a PR on one of the following libraries that adds support for ENSIP-10 (Wildcard Resolution) and EIP-3668 (CCIP Read). - go-ens - web3.js - (already has partial support) - KEthereum (Kotlin) - ENSKit (Switft)

Qualification Requirements

With your contribution, the relevant library should resolve the following data: - com.twitter text record of gregskril.uni.eth: "gregskril" - description text record of 331.moo.nft-owner.eth: "Good Morning Cafe" - ETH address of "0x849151d7D0bF1F34b70d5caD5149D28CC2308bf1" - ETH address of "0x179A862703a4adfb29896552DF9e307980D19285" - ETH address of gregskril.uni.eth: "0x179A862703a4adfb29896552DF9e307980D19285" - ETH address of 331.moo.nft-owner.eth: "0x51050ec063d393217B436747617aD1C2285Aeeee" - BTC address (cointype `0`) of "0x0014a8abf6d1989c0a209621ef2a1f4bf2843dfd153f"

🏅 Best use of ENS$9,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
Any type of ENS integration is eligible for this prize — Get creative! The more ENS-centric it is, the better. It should feel like ENS is a core part of your project, not an afterthought. Some ideas include unique ways to register .eth names, smart contract wallets that mint subnames upon deployment, clever approaches to reducing fees for ENS users (offchain/L2 resolvers), or unique use cases for text records. For L2 projects, we encourage you to explore the EVMGateway linked below. Come by our booth for help brainstorming ideas!


🛠 Identity in Your Apps

Learn all about ENS (Ethereum Name Service), the decentralized naming protocol used by MetaMask, Coinbase, Uniswap,...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:40 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 3


ApeCoin is an ERC-20 token for NFT communities, used for governance, payments, and gaming. $APE is available on Ethereum mainnet, Optimism testnet, and Polygon testnet.


🎮 Best use of Apecoin in a gaming use case$5,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,500
Projects can be consumer facing such as mini-games, multi-player games, PvP, or battle royale style games, or infrastructure related (i.e. smart contract that enables battle royale mechanics).

Qualification Requirements

Must use ApeCoin in the application or infrastructure, and must be related to a gaming use case.

🐵 Most creative consumer use case$5,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $2,500
A core goal of ApeCoin is to become a token synonymous with mainstream adoption. Build a consumer dApp or experience that bridges the gap between the normies and the crypto-native. Your dApp could involve Farcaster Frames, an NFT experience, AI, or anything else new and creative.

Qualification Requirements

Project must use APE in the experience or use case (testnet tokens are okay)


Mobile-first 🤳. EVM compatible 🧩. Carbon negative 🌱 . Celo is a blockchain built for the real world. Build dApps with a great user experience leveraging Celo's lightning fast transactions, low cost, and multi-currency gas fees. 🇬🇧 For ETHGlobal London, Celo is excited to feature MiniPay. MiniPay is a mobile, stablecoin-based, non-custodial, payments focused wallet. With almost 2 million users, MiniPay is the fastest-growing consumer crypto wallet.


🤳 Best Dapp for MiniPay$9,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
MiniPay is a stablecoin wallet inside the Opera Mini browser. MiniPay makes saving, sending, and receiving crypto easy with web2 like onboarding, great UX, and using phone numbers as name service. If you are building a consumer crypto application, we invite you to deploy your application on Celo and follow the simple steps to make sure your application works inside MiniPay.

Qualification Requirements

- Deploy your contracts on Celo Alfajores Testnet or Celo Mainnet - Demo your application from the MiniPay Site Tester

🪙 Best use of Mento stables$1,000
The Mento protocol is a decentralized and transparent protocol designed to create stablecoins, digital assets pegged to stable values like fiat currencies. A diversified portfolio of crypto assets fully backs each stablecoin issued on Mento, ensuring robustness and reliability. Mento stables like cUSD are used as gas fee tokens on Celo.

Qualification Requirements

- Use Mento's cUSD as gas token on your application - Deploy your contracts on Celo Alfajores Testnet or Celo mainnet


📲 Build MiniPay Dapps

MiniPay is the fastest-growing consumer wallet in web3. By the time we wrote this workshop, MiniPay had surpassed 2...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:20 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 3

📲 Build MiniPay Dapps

MiniPay is the fastest-growing consumer wallet in web3. By the time we wrote this workshop, MiniPay had surpassed 2...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:20 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 3


PancakeSwap is a leading multichain decentralized exchange that operates on an automated market maker (AMM) model. Launched in 2020, Pancakeswap is one of the most popular DEXs in the cryptocurrency industry due to its low transaction fees, high-speed trading, and user-friendly platform. PancakeSwap has over $711 billion in total trading volume, $2.24 billion in total liquidity locked, and 1.8M active users. We're thrilled to unveil PancakeSwap v4, the latest iteration of the protocol. This upgrade addresses the limitations of DEXs by introducing key features such as: - Hooks: Empower liquidity pools with externally deployed contracts, offering customizable features such as dynamic fees, order types, custom oracles, active liquidity management modules, and more. - Custom Pool Types and Donate: From the tried-and-tested CLAMM to the Liquidity Book AMM with hooks, PancakeSwap v4 supports a diverse range of pool types and can support any new AMM model that may not yet exist, allowing for unparalleled flexibility and incentivization to users. - Singleton and Flash Accounting: Users benefit from massive gas savings and operational efficiency through these gas optimization techniques. In the spirit of collaboration and community-driven innovation, PancakeSwap v4 is proudly open-source. We invite developers to join us on this journey to shape the future of DeFi. As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting developers, PancakeSwap is pleased to announce our first-ever hackathon, boasting a $10,000 prize pool. Developers are encouraged to unleash their creativity and showcase their innovative hook ideas, driving forward the evolution of the PancakeSwap ecosystem.


🏆 Creative Hook Ideas$1,500
Develop unique hooks that tackle existing user pain points or introduce new features. Possible ideas include - 1. Develop hooks for LBAMM pool type 2. Hooks for use cases such as MEV protection using No-op 3. Hooks for PancakeSwap products such as IFO / Launchpad hook, Automated liquidity management \[For position managers], etc

Qualification Requirements

1. GitHub repository with viewable code 2. Comprehensive README guide for judges to understand code implementation 3. Code must be functional and easily executable 4. All the hooks MUST be submitted to PancakeSwap's hook submission form (found under resources tab)

🏆 Innovation & Integration$1,500
Possible ideas include - 1. Develop custom AMM models/pricing curves 2. Integrate DeFi protocols or build DeFi products like Lending, Staking, Derivatives, Yield aggregators, and more using hooks 3. Develop hooks for cross-chain liquidity provisioning and trading

Qualification Requirements

1. GitHub repository with viewable code 2. Comprehensive README guide for judges to understand code implementation 3. Code must be functional and easily executable 4. All the hooks MUST be submitted to PancakeSwap's hook submission form (found under resources tab)



Base is a secure, low-cost, developer-friendly Ethereum-equivalent L2 blockchain built on the OP Stack by Coinbase. Our vision is to collectively work towards an ambitious goal: bring the next billion users onchain. Base is a founding participant in the Optimism Superchain and the second core developer of the OP Stack.


🏆 Build an Onchain Product$5,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Leveraging Base, build a user friendly onchain product. Be creative! This can be a consumer ready utility focused app based on NFTs, Attestations, DAOs, payments, or finances. This category can also cover onchain tooling to help make onchain development easier. Try to fill any gaps not currently deployed on Base.

Qualification Requirements

Work must be deployed on or connected to Base in some way Work that is open source and free for others to use Shared artifacts (GitHub, planning documents, and a short video) For this hackathon, the project must be a new development in order to ensure equal opportunity

🏆 Best use of 4337 Account Abstraction$5,000
1st place
2nd place
Utilize a smart contract wallet to further improve UX Utilize the new Base Node (RPC, Paymaster, and Bundler) Cloud AA Stack to allow for free end user transactions Create a tool to make developers spin up an AA+Paymaster project faster Extend the Smart Wallet Contract to add an additional plugin or integration.

Qualification Requirements

Work must be deployed on or connected to Base in some way Work that is open source and free for others to use Shared artifacts (GitHub, planning documents, and a short video) For this hackathon, the project must be a new development in order to ensure equal opportunity


🛠️ Based Smart Wallets

At EthDenver, Base and Coinbase released some new account abstractions tools. Come learn how to leverage these new ...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:00 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 2


Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure (MACI) is a private, on-chain, voting system. MACI is a protocol designed to provide a highly secure e-voting solution. It enables organizations to conduct on-chain voting processes with a significantly reduced risk of cheating, such as bribery or collusion. MACI uses zero-knowledge proofs to implement a receipt-free voting scheme, making it coordinator to verify how a specific user voted. This ensures the correct execution of votes and allows anyone to verify the results. It is particularly beneficial for governance and funding events, where its anti-collusion mechanisms help ensure fair and transparent outcomes.


🏆 Best use of MACI$6,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
$500 ×2
This prize is for the best overall use ofMACI! Your integration should be fully functional end-to-end and deployed in testnet or mainnet.

Qualification Requirements

- Is there a meaningful problem being solved with MACI? Does the project have potential to solve a real problem in production? - Was the project fully integrated on both the frontend and backend? Does the integration work end-to-end? - Is the project introducing novel implementations or new tech? - Is the project posing a creative solution to a problem? Is MACI being used in a new way?


🛠️ MACI - Private On Chain Voting

What is MACI and how you can use it to conduct private polls.

This workshop is happening in-person

03:00 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 3


Complete authentication, authorization, onboarding and user management toolkit available through React. From embedded wallets to token gating, everything is available out of the box, but fully customizable.


👀 Best onboarding UX$2,000
This prize is defined by creating the most novel, enjoyable and valuable onboarding experience for an end user as possible, judged on the criteria of "does it make the judges want to immediately tell others about it/does it make them say wow" combined with the number of actions the user needs to take/the number of points of friction during the flow, as well as the value added for the user in each step.

Qualification Requirements

- You use the React SDK in your app - Your app is usable, deployed and accessible

🔨 Best crypto enabled app$1,500
This prize is awarded to the app that is powered by crypto but where crypto is completely invisible to the end user. It is judged on the criteria of "could my grandmother use this" combined with the amount of functionality/quality of functionality that is included (said functionality should again be powered by crypto but not expose it).

Qualification Requirements

- You use the React SDK in your app - Your app is usable, deployed and accessible

🤝 Integration magic$1,500
This prize is awarded to the project which creates the most enjoyable/valuable experience for an end user or indeed a Dynamic customer, by combining Dynamic with an external third-party tool/technology.

Qualification Requirements

- You use the React SDK in your app - Your integration is functional and demo-able

👀 Runner Up$1,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $500
This prize is awarded to the app that is powered by crypto but where crypto is completely invisible to the end user. It is judged on the criteria of "could my grandmother use this" combined with the amount of functionality/quality of functionality that is included (said functionality should again be powered by crypto but not expose it).

Qualification Requirements

- You use the React SDK in your app - Your app is usable, deployed and accessible


Aztec is a privacy-first zkRollup on Ethereum. We are also developing Noir, the easiest-to-use zk circuit writing language available. We truly value the contributions of hackers, and some hackathon submissions may qualify for retroactive grant funding.


🕵️ Best overall Aztec Sandbox dapp$2,000
We will award the best Aztec application $2000. The best project will be evaluated by leveraging features unique to Aztec (private state, private functions, account abstraction, etc) as well as completeness, see the requirements section for more info. There should be a focus on the contract and writing tests. Do not worry about creating a UI. Aztec network hackers may qualify for participation in an upcoming the Alpha Hack, Aztec focused hackathon.

Qualification Requirements

A submission must include a complete Aztec contract that can be compiled with the latest version of the aztec-nargo compiler. It must also include end-to-end tests (written with aztec.js) that validate the correctness of the Aztec contract.

🧑‍💻 Runner up (Aztec or Noir App)$1,000
Judges discretion on the runner up prize, but must follow the requirements for the best Noir App prize, or the best Aztec Sandbox dapp prize.

Qualification Requirements

Submission must meet the requirements of the Aztec dapp or Noir App prizes.

🌌 Best Noir App$2,000
We will award the best Noir application $2000. The application can be on-chain, using Solidity verifier contracts, or completely off-chain, with no blockchain component. The application should use at least 1 Noir program and include an interface for users that makes it easy for users to generate / verify proofs. Creativity is a key prize consideration. The application should use Noir and ZK to its advantage and innovatively achieve its purpose.

Qualification Requirements

Submission must include at least 1 Noir program that is used in a user interface.


SUAVE is a programmable mempool that you can build MEV and offchain applications ontop of! SUAVE offers advanced privacy primitives, credible compute capabilities, and low-latency message passing, all from the comfort of a familiar programming language like Solidity. Come build apps related to orderflow or even use SUAVE as a co-processor for results from chatGPT.


☀️ Offchain Auction Protocol$2,000
Every day another part of onchain trading protocols moves offchain and into the dark forest of private AWS servers. SUAVE offers a platform to build your offchain logic in a trustless and verifiable way and have a network of TEE co-processors perform the compute and data storage needs of the application.

Qualification Requirements

Deploy a SUAPP on SUAVE, which results in a trade or intent being matched, routed, or backrun on L1.

🧪 Most Unique Offchain App$2,000
While one of it's primary purposes is to decentralize orderflow networks and offchain auctions, SUAVE can be used as a TEE coprocessor for many different types of applications, including AI, web2, social media, prediction markets, and more!

Qualification Requirements

Use SUAVE to build a unique application showcasing it's use of arbitrary HTTP requests in smart contracts to enable things that are not possible on Ethereum L1.

🧩 Chain Abstraction PoC$1,000
Chain abstraction refers to account aggregation and giving users the ability to controlactions on different chains from a single account on a host chain.

Qualification Requirements

Using SUAVE, create a proof of concept which show cases sending a transaction to a different or multiple different ways and how this can enable the future of chain abstraction!


LayerZero is an innovative omnichain messaging protocol, specifically crafted for developers seeking to create cross-chain applications. By leveraging LayerZero, developers can build apps that operate seamlessly across multiple blockchains, fostering a new era of interoperability in the crypto ecosystem.


🍏 Best OApp Implementation$2,500
This bounty is reserved for the most creative implementation utilizing the OApp standard. We're looking for applications that not only demonstrate technical proficiency but also push the boundaries of what's possible in omnichain development.

Qualification Requirements

To be eligible for the Best OApp Implementation ($2,500 USD) at ETHGlobal London, participants must meet the following specific criteria: Inheritance of OApp.sol Contract: The core requirement is that the developer's application must inherit the OApp.sol (or alternatively the OAppSender or OAppReceiver) contract standard. This standard is crucial for enabling the desired level of interoperability and message passing between blockchains. Extension of the OApp.sol Contract: Merely inheriting the OApp.sol contract is not enough. The application must extend its functionality. This means that developers should build upon the basic framework provided by the OApp.sol contract to introduce new features, optimizations, or use-cases for omnichain interoperability.

🪙 Best OFT Implementation$2,500
This bounty is awarded for the most outstanding implementation of the Omnichain Fungible Token (OFT) standard. We seek applications that showcase exceptional use of LayerZero's Omnichain ERC20 token standard to create cross-chain solutions.

Qualification Requirements

To qualify for the Best OFT Implementation bounty, participants must adhere to the following specific criteria: Inherit the OFT.sol or OFTAdapter.sol Contract Standard: The primary requirement is for the developer's application to inherit either the OFT.sol or OFTAdapter.sol contract standard. This inheritance is crucial as it forms the foundation upon which the developer will build their application. Extend the Inherited Contract: It's not sufficient to simply inherit the OFT.sol or OFTAdapter.sol contract; the developer must also extend it. This means adding new functionalities, features, or optimizations to the base contract. The extension should demonstrate innovation and an advanced understanding of the OFT standard. Implementation of Cross-Chain Functionality: Given that OFT is focused on omnichain token solutions, the application should effectively implement cross-chain functionality. This means that it should enable the seamless movement and interaction of tokens across different blockchain networks.


Avail is built to serve as the unification layer that coordinates interoperability and liquidity across the rollup centric future. The first component of Avail - Avail DA - solves for rollup scalability via scalable data availability. Avail DA is a state-of-the-art modular DA that implements data availability sampling (DAS) with validity proofs. It provides abundant blobspace for anyone to use without feeling restricted by their use case and scale.


📊 Best Visualizer for Pre & Post EIP-4844 Comparison$2,000
Up to 2 teams will receive $1,000
With the Dencun upgrade on Ethereum, data submission (blobs) costs by L2s to Ethereum Mainnet are expected to reduce compared to calldata. Build a visualizer or calculator to compare and estimate the cost reduction between calldata (pre-EIP4844) vs blob (post-EIP4844) submissions. Teams must estimate and visualize the cost change for major L2s (Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon zkEVM, Starknet, zkSync, etc.)

Qualification Requirements

Criteria for evaluation will be based on: - Number of L2s whose cost is being visualized - Intuitive design and presentation of the visualizer. - Use of live data would be given extra points over static data. - BONUS: Simulation of congestion and the comparison of congestion handling and costs of calldata vs blobs in that scenario would also get extra points.

🛠 Best Project built with Avail$3,000
Up to 3 teams will receive $1,000
Build your project that expands and benefits the Avail ecosystem, or uses Avail DA in a meaningful manner.

Qualification Requirements

Project Ideas for hackers include: 1. Use Madara/Rollkit/RISC Zero/SP1 to build a custom application-specific rollup (e.g. an order-book exchange rollup) -> Must use Avail DA as the data availability layer. 2. Build a Liquid Staking Protocol for Avail - either directly on the node, a substrate pallet, or on Ethereum powered by a bridge, or via any other means. 3. Add p2p feature to Avail's web LC, that allows it to be connected to the light client p2p network. 4. Build a JS wrapper/JS-equivalent, Bridge API (currently implemented in Rust). 5. P2P Address Book: Create a webapp which uses the Avail LC in crawl mode to log addresses and timestamps of peers as they join a network. - Bonus points: The p2p network could use websocket to establish connections with other LCs without needing a public multiaddress 6. IoT WebApp: Build an IoT web app of your choice on Raspberry Pi/BeagleBone/any suitable RTOS device using the Avail Light Client connected to a public Avail network like Goldberg. These are ideas to help you give an idea of what to build with Avail in this hackathon. We're open to seeing other innovative ideas from you.


🛠️ Avail 101 Workshop

Avail accelerates the unification of Web3. Starting with Avail DA, a robust data availability layer born from the n...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM GMT — Friday, Mar 15, 2024 in Workshop Room 3


Fhenix is the first Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) powered L2 to bring computation over encrypted data to Ethereum. Through the use of FHE rollups, Fhenix enables developers to seamlessly build confidential smart contracts and provide end-to-end encryption of users’ data, all while using familiar tools such as Metamask and Remix.


🔒 Best use of Fhenix Stack$5,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Fhenix is an L2 on ETH that uses Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) to provide confidentiality. For our track, we are looking for developers who are interested in building full-stack applications in the Fhenix ecosystem that use encrypted computation. This can be anything from on-chain poker, dark pools, confidential voting, etc. We’re open to ideas and look forward to seeing what you and your team come up with!

Qualification Requirements

We require a full stack application demonstration, live hosting is preferred but not mandatory. However, creating an application that others can play around with from their own machines would be beneficial for the team's prospects of being selected. A Github repository with a history of commits is also required. In addition to a corresponding readme that makes it easy for developers, judges and our team to understand the overarching architecture of the project submission. Finally teams must submit their official application before the deadline in order to qualify for prize considerations.


Nouns is a community-owned brand that makes a positive impact by funding ideas and fostering collaboration. From collectors and technologists to non-profits and brands, Nouns is for everyone. Since Nouns is in the public domain (aka CC0 - No copyright), you can build anything you can imagine. You can use/modify or do anything with Nouns artwork for any purpose, no questions asked. This means Nouns is a permissionless brand you can build on top of.


🎨 Best UX/UI implementation of Nouns Art$5,000
We invite developers, designers, product folks, and everyone else to team up for an entire weekend of building, creating, experimenting, innovating, and keeping Nouns weird. Hackers are encouraged to submit any project using Nouns art in their product. Think of Nouns as an open-source brand/design system available for free. Some cool ideas/topics to build with Nouns: - Video games - Create/edit art tools - Wallet solutions - Social reputation tools - Educational tools - Voting/delegating tools - Mobile apps (iOS and Android) - Nouns artwork as a decentralized brand kit for any project - Things we’ve never seen before!!

Qualification Requirements

- You must complete and deploy your MVP/PoC and be ready to use by anyone - Keep it nounish – e.g., fun, exciting, curious, public good, outside of the box, etc. - Use Nouns assets/art in your product - Extra points if you plan to keep building/improving it


Ethereum enabled writing smart contracts to build dApps. Similarly, Galadriel enables developers to build AI apps & agents like smart contracts — decentralized and on-chain. We support a range of AI usage: from simple LLM features in existing dApps to highly capable AI agents like on-chain AI hedge funds, in-game AI NPCs, AI-generated NFTs, and even agent swarms. __ Galadriel is built on a parallel-execution EVM stack and brings AI inference on-chain in a low-cost, low-latency manner through teeML which allows querying any open and closed-source LLM models in a verifiable manner. __ Galadriel is in devnet. Join the mission in building user-owned AI.


🏆 Most unique on-chain AI application built on Galadriel$5,000
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Build an on-chain AI-enabled app/agent and deploy it on Galadriel alpha testnet. --- Leverage one (or combine multiple!) usage patterns in your smart contracts: - Simple generative image model call - Simple LLM call, with history - Complex usage: AI agents --- Patterns are further explained in Galadriel’s developer docs (link below). Also see "Use Cases" link below to get your creative juices flowing!

Qualification Requirements

- Each project must be deployed on Galadriel’s alpha testnet. - Please explain to us how are you using Galadriel in the project’s description. - The project must involve on-chain AI, whether it’s via our proposed oracle contracts or you deploy your own. The team will manually check for this. Deploying just regular EVM contracts without any AI use case will not count.


Morpho Blue is a noncustodial lending protocol implemented for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Morpho Blue offers a new trustless primitive with increased efficiency and flexibility compared to existing lending platforms. It provides permissionless risk management and permissionless market creation with oracle agnostic pricing. It also enables higher collateralization factors, improved interest rates, and lower gas consumption. The protocol is designed to be a simple, immutable, and governance-minimized base layer that allows for a wide variety of other layers to be built on top. Morpho Blue also offers a convenient developer experience with a singleton implementation, callbacks, free flash loans, and account management features, allowing many products to be built on top.


💙 Best Morpho Blue or MetaMorpho integration$1,000
Build an application or smart contracts integrating either Morpho Blue or MetaMorpho vaults.

Qualification Requirements

The app or smart contracts should be as close as production ready as possible.