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Explore the whimsical world of faeries, where reality meets enchantment. Join them in ethereal dances across the universe, embracing chaos and leaving woes behind. Will you hold a faery's hand?


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

Around the corner of reality, faeries find their partner of choice to engage in ethereal dances across the universe. Though human like, their emotions come from the core of the world, far from duality or guilt. Faeries enjoy to shapeshift into enchanting or horrible creatures acording to their humor. Some times to scare, most times to play. To dance by a faery’s side implies leaving all woes behind to embrace the chaotic symetry of existance. Would you hold a faery’s hand?

How it's Made

The project utilized React.js for the front-end and Node.js with Express.js for the back-end. MongoDB stored data, while partner technologies and cloud services enhanced functionality and scalability. Notable optimizations included performance tuning, accessibility improvements, and responsive design, creating an immersive and enchanting user experience.

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