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Free invoice generator. Create secure and private on chain invoices at low-cost


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

0xInvoices is an invoicing platform. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to create professional invoices quickly and efficiently. This platform is designed with the user in mind, making it easy to generate, send, and track invoices, all in one place.

One of the key features of 0xInvoices is its integration with the Scroll network. Scroll is a Layer 2 solution for Ethereum, designed to extend Ethereum’s capabilities. It offers fast and cost-effective transactions, making it an ideal choice for applications like 0xInvoices. By leveraging Scroll’s network, 0xInvoices can facilitate seamless and secure invoice data transactions.

Furthermore, 0xInvoices enhances the security of invoice data by encrypting it with Lit protocol. Lit Protocol is a distributed cryptography system for encryption, compute, and programmable signing. It serves as a generalizable key management layer, providing developers with a comprehensive toolkit for managing sovereign identities on the open Web3. This means that all invoice data handled by 0xInvoices is not only secure but also controlled by the user.

How it's Made

Foundry: This is used for smart contract development, enabling the creation of secure and reliable contracts for transactions. Scroll Network: A Layer 2 solution for Ethereum, Scroll Network provides fast and cost-effective storage. This makes it an ideal choice for applications like 0xInvoices that require efficient data transactions. Lit Protocol: Used for encryption and invoice ownership claims, Lit Protocol enhances the security of invoice data1. It serves as a key management layer, providing developers with a comprehensive toolkit for managing sovereign identities on the open Web. Next.js: This powerful JavaScript framework is used to build the frontend of 0xInvoices, ensuring a smooth and responsive user interface. Wagmi React Hooks: These are used to simplify state management and side effects in React function components, making the application more maintainable and efficient.

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