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401Chain is a Decentralized pension Dapp based 401(k) Pension scheme


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

401KChain is Decentralized pension Dapp where any Company can register for their individual pension scheme and their Employee can join their scheme . Contract is deployed on both Scroll Sepolia Testnet and Mantle Testnet . User have options to join respective company Pension DAO by entering its name and they can deposit funds into their scheme and according to 401(k) pension scheme Company will match exact same fund and will Deposit it to the DAO . Only the Company or DAO creator has option to release funds after maturity . Since due to some issued I wasnt able to develop frontend UI for it . So Im only submitting the contract which I have created

How it's Made

Contract is written in Solidity and is deployed on both Scroll Sepolia & Mantle testnet .Since due to time issue I wasnt able to create any frontend and integrating new technologies but i did think of integrating Uniswap and few other like Chainlink for automation. using contract Factory to create Different DAO for every Comapny/Organisation

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