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AAFrame is a tool for developers to seamlessly add Account Abstraction to Farcaster and Warpcast Frames, enabling direct blockchain actions like sending tokens, swapping, and minting NFTs. It simplifies blockchain use within social media for users.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

This project is made for developers that wish to add account-abstraction to their warpcast in-app frames applications. Upon scrolling on their warpcast feed, users will be able to interact with blockchain directly through brands, content creators & projects posts that will leverage our solution to enable the creation of Account Abstraction within warpcast Frames for different use cases such as swapping, transferring or minting tokens. The experience must be as seamless as possible. All blockchain interactions and transactions done directly within the Frame.

Developers only need to provide an image, an address and a network, and they will be able to easily share a frame donation campaign for instance. Or for a project fundraising.

As this is a first version built within a short time frame, additional features will be added at a later date to further facilitate the creation of Frames for warpcast.

In the future, we can implement the ability to automatically generate warpcast code for a token swap/trading frame, or more complex features that will allow users to interact directly with blockchain networks and execute transactions without the need for a wallet module like metamask.

We can for instance think about operating swap transactions within Frames with Pancakeswap.

How it's Made

For this project, we have explored many different libraries and technologies, trying to make the integration work within Farcaster client, Warpcast.

  • Safe 4337 Module, Safe accounts v1.4.1
  • Safe SDK, Protocol Kit
  • Pimlimco Paymaster client, ERC-4337, Smart Account, permissionless.js, etc.
  • Farcaster, Warpcast Frames.
  • React components and TypeScript utilities from Onchain Kit for building Frames.
  • Viem, TypeScript Interface.
  • MongoDB, to store data, FarcasterID & Private Keys.
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