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An on-chain social media marketplace using AI to verify sponsored content. Advertisers send offers to creators with natural language requirements. Sponsored posts are verified via AI. Creators are paid based on the engagement their post receives.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Tableland — Prize Pool

Project Description

https://Adora.Promo The social media sponsorship industry is suffering from a lack of trust. Creators struggle to find legitimate offers and must trust advertisers to send timely payments. Meanwhile, advertisers need to verify that sponsored content meets their requirements and trust that audience engagement justifies their investment. This growing industry is in desperate need of disruption. Adora.Promo harnesses the power of blockchain and AI to bridge the trust gap between creators and advertisers. Advertisers can send on-chain offers to creators, describing sponsorship requirements in natural language and setting payment terms based on engagement metrics.These offers are encrypted, ensuring they can only be viewed by the intended creator. Creators can accept offers without publicly disclosing their identity, post the sponsored content, and initiate a transaction to redeem their payment. Upon redemption, posts are verified against the requirements using a large language model before instantly transferring the earned amount to the creator’s private wallet.

How it's Made

This project is made possible using Sismo to verify social media account ownership, Lit Protocol to encrypt offers, Chainlink Functions to fetch posts and interact with the ChatGPT API, Tableland to store offer details and ApeCoin for payments. To create an offer, an advertiser specifies the recipient Twitter user ID, expiration date, payment per like, maximum payment, and sponsorship criteria described using natural language. The advertiser then approves the maximum payment in ApeCoin. Next, the user ID, payment per like and sponsorship criteria are all encrypted with a newly generated Lit Protocol symmetric key. The advertiser then sends a transaction to create the offer, which writes the offer data to Tableland. Finally, the frontend displays a URL which contains the offer ID and symmetric key so that it can be shared with the creator. When the creator visits the URL, the offer data is fetched by ID, decrypted and displayed. If the creator accepts, they are prompted to provide a proof of ownership of their Twitter account via Sismo; since the offer is not tied to a specific wallet address, creators can use a new wallet to maintain payment privacy. Next, the creator sends a transaction containing the symmetric key and Simo proof both encrypted with a Chainlink Functions public key. This transaction triggers a Chainlink Functions request which decrypts and verifies the offer and proof, returning a boolean value indicating that the creator’s Twitter account matches the Twitter account specified in the offer. The offer is bound to the creator’s wallet and maximum payment approved by the advertiser is locked for the duration of the offer. The symmetric key access control conditions are updated on Lit Protocol such that it can be accessed by both the creator’s and advertiser’s wallets to view offer details. After posting a tweet which meets the sponsorship criteria and waiting for it to accumulate likes, creators can redeem their payment without publicly revealing which tweet was sponsored by encrypting the tweet ID with the symmetric key. Then, they send a transaction containing the encrypted tweet ID and encrypted symmetric key which triggers a Chainlink Functions request. Chainlink Functions decrypts the symmetric key, offer terms and tweet ID, fetches the tweet, uses ChatGPT to verify the tweet meets the sponsorship requirements and returns the total earnings which are paid to the creator with the remaining balance refunded to the advertiser.

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