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A Web3 ad platform enhancing privacy by analyzing generic tags on the backend and private tags on the frontend. Users highlight interests, generating tags with LLMs. Advertisers submit URLs and images, while publishers display ads, ensuring secure, targeted advertising.


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

Airdao - Soul Bound Tokens (SBT’s) on AirDAO 3rd place

Project Description

Our project revolutionizes advertising technology by prioritizing user privacy while delivering personalized ads. We offer two dashboards: one for advertisers and one for publishers. Advertisers submit their ads as proposals to a DAO, where members vote based on their governance token stakes. The outcome determines ad display and influences the advertiser's reputation and reach.

Publishers register their websites on our platform, which scrapes content to the backend. An LLM assigns relevant tags to site sections, and an SDK wraps the website's divs to track user behavior, emitting events with generic and personal tags. Personal tags remain client-side for privacy, while encrypted generic tags are stored on IPFS.

We use The Graph to index IPFS for efficient token retrieval mapped to users. User anonymity is preserved with World-ID, masking real identities from on-chain identities. When users visit websites, tag matching triggers personalized ads on the client side.

Our system ensures full transparency by conducting all transactions on-chain and off-chain on a zk-side app chain, providing zk proofs and proof of ad display to advertisers. This approach guarantees privacy, transparency, and effective ad targeting.

How it's Made

Frontend Development: React with TypeScript (TSX): Why: React provides a robust framework for building dynamic user interfaces, while TypeScript adds type safety, reducing runtime errors and improving code maintainability. Integration: The frontend handles user interactions, such as highlighting text to generate private tags. It uses local storage to temporarily store these tags, ensuring they remain on the user's device for privacy. Backend Development: Node.js: Why: Node.js is well-suited for building scalable network applications. Its non-blocking I/O model makes it efficient for handling multiple requests, which is crucial for a platform with potentially high traffic. Integration: The backend processes generic tags and interacts with blockchain components. It receives data from the frontend, analyzes it, and matches ads using the information from the blockchain. Blockchain and Decentralization: Mina Protocol: Overview: Mina Protocol is known for its succinct blockchain, which is designed to remain lightweight and efficient. Unlike traditional blockchains that grow in size over time, Mina maintains a constant size, making it highly scalable and accessible. Integration in Your Project: Transaction Handling: Mina is used to record transactions related to ad placements, payments, and user interactions. This ensures that all transactions are transparent and verifiable without the overhead of a large blockchain. Data Verification: The succinct nature of Mina allows for efficient data verification. This is crucial for ensuring the integrity of ad-related data, such as impressions and clicks, without requiring extensive computational resources. Smart Contracts: Mina supports smart contracts, which can be used to automate processes like ad bidding, revenue sharing, and governance decisions. These contracts are executed on the blockchain, ensuring they are tamper-proof and transparent. The Graph: Overview: The Graph is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data. It allows developers to build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL. Integration in Your Project: Data Indexing: The Graph indexes data from Mina Protocol's smart contracts, making it easily accessible for the backend to query. This is essential for retrieving information about ad transactions, user interactions, and other relevant data. Efficient Querying: By using The Graph, your platform can perform complex queries on blockchain data quickly and efficiently. This enables real-time analytics and ad targeting based on up-to-date information. Subgraph Development: Custom subgraphs can be developed to cater to specific data needs of your platform, such as tracking ad performance metrics or user engagement statistics. Decentralized Storage: Overview: Decentralized storage solutions like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) are used to store ad content and metadata. This ensures that data is distributed across a network of nodes, rather than being held by a single entity. Integration in Your Project: Ad Content Storage: Ad images, descriptions, and other media are stored on IPFS. This ensures that the content is always available and not subject to censorship or single-point failures. Data Integrity: IPFS provides content-addressable storage, meaning that each piece of data is identified by a unique hash. This ensures that the data has not been tampered with and remains consistent across the network. Access and Retrieval: The frontend and backend can retrieve ad content from IPFS using these hashes, ensuring that the data is always up-to-date and accessible. Governance with AirDAO: Overview: AirDAO provides a framework for decentralized governance, allowing stakeholders to participate in decision-making processes related to the platform. Integration in Your Project: Community Voting: AirDAO can facilitate voting on platform changes, such as feature updates or policy adjustments. This ensures that the platform evolves in a way that reflects the community's interests. Proposal Management: Stakeholders can submit proposals for new features or changes, which are then voted on by the community. This decentralized approach ensures transparency and inclusivity in governance. Partner Technologies and Benefits Worldcoin ID and AirDAO: These technologies enhance user privacy and platform governance, respectively. Worldcoin ID allows for secure user identification without compromising privacy, while AirDAO ensures that the platform's evolution is guided by its community. Mina Protocol and The Graph: These technologies provide a scalable and efficient way to handle blockchain data, ensuring that the platform can grow without performance bottlenecks.

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