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A fully onchain gassles lightweight tool for person to find a solution to their problem via any social net by utilizing theory of n-degrees of separation and gamified incentive: raise a hand, shake it, give it and get rewarded


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Overview: aHand is an innovative blockchain application founded on the principle of the "Six Degrees of Separation" theory, envisioning a world where assistance is always within reach, and every act of kindness is rewarded. This decentralized platform enables users to solicit help (Raisers), amplify requests through their networks (Referrers), and ultimately connect with individuals capable of providing needed solutions (Givers).

Key Functionalities:

Raise a Hand: Users (Raisers) "Raise a Hand" by creating and disseminating a request for help or a particular need across their social networks and beyond, sparking a chain of connectivity aimed at finding a solution.

Shake it Forward: Participants (Referrers) "Shake" the hand by acknowledging, registering, and further sharing the request through their networks, aiding in the propagation of the need and potentially reaching someone who can provide a solution.

Give a Hand: Individuals (Givers) "Give a Hand" by offering the requisite help or solution to the initial request, closing the chain, and initiating the reward distribution process.

Reward Mechanism: A unique, equitable reward system recognizes and compensates all participants within the helping chain. Upon successful provision and confirmation of assistance, an ETH reward, pre-nominated by the Raiser, is proportionally distributed amongst all Referrers and the Giver, ensuring acknowledgment of every user’s contributive role in the chain of assistance.

Technology & Implementation: Deployed initially on Polygon and designed to be multichain via LayerZero, aHand integrates gasless transactions and allows user authentication through social media accounts, lowering entry barriers for non-crypto natives and ensuring widespread accessibility. By utilizing ZeroDev and Web3Auth for seamless, gasless transactions and account abstraction, aHand provides an app-like UX while ensuring secure, decentralized operations.

Impact & Utility: aHand isn’t merely a platform; it's a digital embodiment of community and connection. It transcends geographical, socio-economical, and technological barriers, encouraging a collaborative, decentralized network where assistance is not only accessible but rewarded. This is not just a tool for individual problem-solving but a collective movement towards creating a more connected, supportive, and mutually beneficial digital world.

In Conclusion: With aHand, every act of sharing, referring, and giving within the network is recognized, celebrated, and rewarded, embedding an intrinsic value in every link of the assistance chain. As we weave through the boundless threads of human connection, aHand stands as a testament to the possibilities that lie within our collective, interconnected efforts, and the uncharted territories of kindness we can explore, together.

How it's Made

  1. Core Technologies & Integrations:

Blockchain & Smart Contracts: aHand is built on the Polygon network to leverage its low gas fees and fast transaction times. Smart contracts govern the entire process, from creating requests to rewarding participants, ensuring transparent and tamper-proof operations.

Multichain Functionality: The application aims for interoperability across multiple blockchains via LayerZero, enabling users across various blockchain ecosystems to seamlessly participate and connect.

Gasless Transactions: To foster a user-friendly experience, particularly for blockchain novices, aHand incorporates gasless transactions using ZeroDev and Web3Auth for social account authentications. This abstraction not only sponsors user gas fees but also ensures that users without a deep understanding of blockchain can easily interact with the platform.

  1. Seamless User Experience:

Intuitive UX/UI Design: Prioritizing user experience, aHand utilizes a straightforward interface with simple, interactive icons (✋ 🤝 🙌 👍 👎) to indicate user actions like raising, shaking, giving a hand, and rating participants.

Inclusive Access: Through web3 authentication, users can interact with the platform using their existing social media accounts, reducing barriers to entry and encouraging widespread participation from non-crypto natives.

  1. Reward System:

Equitable Compensation: Employing smart contracts, aHand ensures that upon successful completion of a help request, ETH rewards are distributed fairly among all participants, respecting their place and role in the connection chain, and thereby incentivizing network growth and sustained engagement. 4. Mechanism of Operation:

Decentralized Connection Chain: Leveraging the “Six Degrees of Separation” theory, aHand employs a systematic, blockchain-powered approach to connect help seekers with providers through a decentralized network of referrers, thus creating a sustainable ecosystem of reciprocal aid. 5. Noteworthy Strategies & Hacks:

Emoji-Integrated Branding: Utilizing the "🙌" emoji in branding (a🙌and) not only amplifies brand recall but also visually represents the ethos of the platform, subtly encapsulating the concept of raising, giving, and celebrating hands of help and connection.

Inclusive Reward Distribution: A unique algorithm ensures that the ETH rewards are justly allocated among all referrers and the solver, establishing a balance between rewarding the solution provider and acknowledging the pivotal role of each link in the chain.

Social Shareability: Each request can be shared across various social platforms, not only amplifying the reach of the request but also naturally marketing the aHand platform, thereby organically enhancing user acquisition and platform growth.

In Conclusion:

aHand intertwines advanced blockchain technologies with the intrinsic human desire to help and connect, forming a network where every nod, every share, and every solution is acknowledged and rewarded. Through strategic technology integrations and a keen focus on user experience and accessibility, aHand bridges the realms of technological innovation and community-building, crafting a decentralized world where help is always within reach, and every hand extended is valued.

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