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AIducation uses AI and web3 to provide personalized learning paths, credentials via NFTs, and incentives aligned to knowledge growth.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

🍥 Cometh — Best UX

Project Description

(Note: if course creation stop to work would mean Youtube API quota has exceeded the daily limit, you may try again the next day)

AIducation is an online learning platform that utilizes AI and web3 technologies to provide personalized learning experiences. The key components of the platform include:

  1. Personalized learning paths: Users are matched with learning content based on their knowledge levels, interests, and learning styles. AI algorithms analyze user data to recommend optimal content.
  2. Micro-credentials via NFTs: As users complete courses and modules, they are awarded non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that serve as digital credentials on the blockchain. This allows for ownership and verification of achievements.
  3. Token incentives: An integrated token economy incentivizes users to engage in positive learning behaviors. Tokens are earned through participation and can be used to access premium platform features.
  4. Blended AI tutoring: Users have access to AI tutors that provide supplemental instruction and assessment. The tutors adapt to each learner's needs and pace.
  5. Social community features: Users can connect with peers, collaborate on projects, share knowledge, and motivate one another throughout the learning process. (Roadmap)

In summary, AIducation aims to leverage the unique capabilities of AI and blockchain to make learning more personalized, verifiable, and rewarding. The project demonstrates how these emerging technologies can be blended practically to create better educational experiences.

How it's Made

The AIducation platform consists of:

  1. A Nextjs web application with Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI for the frontend
  2. Utilising Nextjs Edge API with Postgres for data storage
  3. Integration with Cometh Connect SDK (Biometry & Account Abstraction as a Service)
  4. ERC6551 & ERC1155 NFT contract deployed through hardhat
  5. Integration with EVM blockchain networks (Polygon, Scroll, Mantle) for NFT minting and transactions
  6. OpenAI AI models for natural language content generation and analysis
  7. Google Auth for user authentication and Google Youtube API for youtube video generation
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