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AI Marketplace

AI Marketplace, pay per invocation of LLMs with onchain settlement

AI Marketplace

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Project Description

The AI Marketplace revolutionizes access to Large Language Models (LLMs) by providing a pay-per-invocation service with immediate on-chain payment settlement. This cutting-edge platform allows users to execute AI-driven tasks, from content generation to intricate analyses, supported by a transparent and secure blockchain transaction system. Leveraging smart contracts for real-time payment processing and decentralized hosting for unmatched availability, the marketplace nurtures a dynamic community of AI enthusiasts and developers. It simplifies the monetization and accessibility of AI services, paving the way for widespread AI adoption across diverse sectors.

How it's Made

It uses Tellor's oracle network of reporters as the executors of queries to invoke an LLM with a given system prompt, user prompt, and temperature.

Requests are made by calling submitOrder function on AI Market Place and pay a deposit in ETH. Requests are fulfilled by calling to Tellor oracle to tip the reporters. Requests need to be followed up with, requestors use the viewOrder function on the AI Market Place to view their order which will include the outputs of 5 Tellor reporters invoking an LLM.

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