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A platform where you can engage in games against real opponents or AI models. Additionally, you can pit your trained AI against another user's model. Stake tokens before the game and earn rewards upon victory.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

The project is about Building trust and a transparency using Blockchain and AI/ML. here you can compete against AI or you can pit your AI model against someone else model, both party have to stake an equal amount of token (for now test token) to start the match the the winning amount distribution will be automatically handled by the smart contrcts. so their won't be any third party to mess with your game. Whole project is public on github, from smart contract to model, everything.

more games and functionality will be added soon.

How it's Made

For UI i have used vite with React.js framework and for the AI model train part i have used python with flask to host and fetch data from my model. To make it live i have put my model on aws lightsail with a new doman name and nginx. for smart contract development and testing i have used hardhat and mumbai testnet.

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