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A simple attestation and MM snap based token distribution service.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

A user or token issuer can use this project to distribute tokens as a magiclink which can be sent to any channels like discord or telegram. At the same time, the user or token issuer does not need to know the target wallet addresses ahead. All informations are encoded as an ID Attestation based on EAS. When the distribution, such as a transfer, happens, the supporting services (ID verification and DVP contract) will verify the ID attestation.

How it's Made

We used:

  • EAS for attestation schema and creation
  • MUD for contracts data storage
  • ERC5169 for attaching a script to an attestation
  • MM snap for ID attestation storage in order to reuse those non-expired ID attestations
  • our internal attestation sharing service
  • our exisiting ts-viewer for rendering the script.
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