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AjoDAO implements transparent savings circles on Ethereum. Key points: Savings circles with potential treasury yield Governance can move funds to lending protocols Interest earned compounds member payouts Democratic control over treasury management


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

AjoDAO implements decentralized and transparent savings circles on Polygon blockchain using smart contracts.

Members can join savings pools called "pots" by paying a penalty fee and contribution amount. The pots have fixed cycles and contribution periods. Members take turns receiving the entire pot at the end of each cycle, determined randomly via Chainlink VRF.

The contract is designed to provide a governed communal crypto savings opportunity. Pots are configurable with custom cycles, contribution amounts, and member limits. Chainlink automation initiates state transitions between cycles.

Receipt of funds is trustless and guaranteed by code. Members are incentivized to remain committed through penalties. Real world social pressure adds further accountability.

Treasury management and governance will be controlled democratically by pot members in future upgrades. Delegated voting enables on-chain proposals and decisions. Integration with lending protocols is planned to generate yield.

The frontend interface enables easy creation and discovery of pots. Push notifications keep members updated on important actions. Modular contracts allow custom upgrades by governance.

AjoDAO aims to bridge decentralized finance with the communal savings model of a ROSCA on Polygon. Governed pots balance individual incentives with collective accountability to provide fair, democratic and transparent community crypto savings.

How it's Made

The core smart contracts are implemented in Solidity using Hardhat as the development environment.

Chainlink oracles provide key external dependencies:

VRF for secure and verified randomness to select cycle winners Automation to trigger state transitions between cycles Price Feeds to get on-chain market data for managing treasury Modular contract design allows upgrading governance and treasury management features in the future.

The frontend (Not implemented yet) will use Next.js and interfaces with the contracts via Ethers.js.

User notifications are sent using Push Protocol's SDK when key events occur like contributions or payouts.

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