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A.L.F.R.ED - Adaptive Learning Experience for Relevant Education & Development. A platform that gamifies learning and rewards people for functional and behaviour development.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

A.L.F.R.ED is an adaptive learning experience manager that uses blockchain technology to gamify and reward users for functional and behavior development. With a focus on relevant education and development, our platform leverages the power of web3 to provide personalized learning experiences that are both fun and effective. From gamified modules to rewards for achieving milestones. Our platform aims to onboard Web2 users and guide them towards a web3 reward enabled ecosystem with microlearning and distributed development.

How it's Made

This project uses Polygon and Gnosis chains and tokens to provide learning rewards to people. This project can be forked by any organization and funded by their own tokens to mint XPs and distribute to their community with validations. Earning the XPs: Users are suggested learning items through ALFRED BOT based on the skills they've added, self-assessed level, their preferred timing, and the format of choice. The library for each user is personalized and stored in Polybase that allows us creating access to only relevant material out of the org library. Burning the XPs: Using the burn API of the contract any kind of mechanism can be integrated with our code, we have given an option to redeem XPs to wallet, but we can also use burn function with any form of rewards like merch, NFTs, etc. For demo purposes we have also added a code from an open github NFT PFP builder and mapped various elements to amount of XPs to show an XP based PFP minting game. We used Polygon with MATIC, and GNOSIS with xDai to make pools. Intmax as a wallet, Push protocol as a notification mechanism.

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