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Amarum is a web3 video project with the aim of helping creators publish exciting video datasets and share them easily while getting paid for that. The datasets upon submission is curated and stored on the filecoin SPs through data deals that are renewal by the DAO admin.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

🏊 Tableland — Pool Prize

Project Description

Amarum is a Data DAO video project with the aim of helping creators publish exciting video datasets while getting rewarded for that. The datasets upon submission is curated and stored on filecoin SPs through data deals that are established by the DAO. The DAO has the responsibility of storing these datasets and making money from the marketplace paywall. The accrued income is distributed both to DAO members and some kept in the DAO treasury. DAO members can use the Huddle01 video streaming feature to have meetings and record presentations and mint them while storing the Video files on IPFS and Metadata on Filecoin Blockchain.

How it's Made

Meetings are streamed live through Huddle01 Live Presentation SDK streams. We use the open zeppelin ERC721 standard, Files are stored to IPFS / Filecoin using NFT.Storage and file metadata URI stored on Filecoin Hyperspace Testnet which is FEVM . Upon retrieval. Lighthouse was used to use for encryption and most importantly, the Access control of Light house was used to grant access to members with the membership NFT, Huddle for conference meetings and Push for DAO Notifications.

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