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ApeBlendr is a no-loss savings game inspired by PoolTogether and built on top of the ApeCoin protocol. Currently, ApeCoin provides a staking program with juicy yields, so why not gamify it?


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

ApeBlendr is a no-loss savings game, inspired by PoolTogether and utilizing the ApeCoin Staking program for generating yield/prizes.

Users who hold $APE can deposit their funds into the ApeBlendr Protocol and earn prizes periodically.

The prizes come from the accrued rewards from ApeCoin Staking for the respective period. ApeBlendr uses Chainlink's VRF for random number generation and The Graph Protocol for data indexing.

How it's Made

ApeBlendr uses multiple technologies and building blocks to achieve its purpose.

The ApeBlendr protocol is built on top of ApeCoin Staking and uses Chainlink's VRF for random number generation and Chainlink Automation for finalizing prize draws. I've built a custom Subgraph which indexes the number of participants in the game and the finalized awards for each draw.

In the front end, I've used Alchemy's create-web3-dapp template. The DApp is built with React and Next.js and uses WAGMI and ConnectKit for Web3 connection and authentication.

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