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Artizen is a data DAO as a storage onramp for stock photos and videos on Filecoin.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

What Artizen is Artizen utilizes a threshold encryption network for on-chain access control to enable creators sell stock media (photos and videos) on a decentralized storage network. Artizen is designed to incentivize creators through license purchases for premium (un-watermarked) stock media.

Contributors on Artizen (creators) Contributors on Artizen are chosen through a proposal and voting mechanism in the DAO. Potential contributors would submit proposals containing samples of their content, then voting occurs to choose who should be a contributor based on certain requirements.

Roles of the DAO The DAO is responsible for governing decisions like:

  • Content licensing (fees, duration)
  • Content moderation and quality control.
  • Voting on creator proposals.

Purchasing licenses Purchasing licenses is managed by a token-gated paywall implemented with a smart-contract and license fees are currently charged with the FIL token.

Content Storage Premium versions of stock media on Artizen is encrypted using Medusa before storage on IPFS, this ensures that only users with a verified license have access to premium content on the platform.

How it's Made

This project uses the medusa protocol to manage licensed access to stock photos. Off-chain data is stored on Xata, the Dapp interface is built using Nextjs + Typescript, the smart contract for listing content and purchasing licenses is written in Solidity and deployed on the FVM testnet.

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