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Artworks Data DAO

Artworks Data DAO on the Filecoin network, creating a decentralized platform for artists, collectors, and enthusiasts to manage, incentivize, and invest in artworks. The DAO will leverage the benefits of fvm to ensure secure and transparent management of artwork data.

Artworks Data DAO

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Artwork Storage and Verification: The DAO will utilize Filecoin's decentralized storage to securely store artwork data, including images, descriptions, provenance, and ownership details. Consensus mechanisms and metadata standards can be implemented to verify the authenticity and integrity of artworks within the DAO. Incentivizing Artists: Artists can submit their artworks to the DAO and, if DAO voted to accept the artworks, Artists will be incentivized with native tokens (e.g., ArtDAO Tokens) for their submissions. Token rewards can be based on the quality, rarity, and demand for the artworks, encouraging artists to participate and share their creations. Artwork Curation and Management: The DAO can implement a community-driven curation system, where members can propose, review, and vote on artworks to be included in the DAO's collection. Curators with a good reputation within the DAO, based on their past contributions and accuracy of artwork evaluations, can have a greater influence on the curation process. Art Investment Opportunities: The DAO can enable users to invest in artworks by purchasing fractional ownership through smart contracts. Investors can earn a proportionate share of the artwork's future value appreciation and potential revenue generated from exhibitions, sales, or licensing deals. Integration with a Marketplace like BuyMeACoffee: The project can integrate a marketplace functionality similar to BuyMeACoffee, allowing users to support artists directly by purchasing their artworks using ArtDAO Tokens. The marketplace can also offer additional features, such as commissioning custom artworks, accessing exclusive content, or participating in limited edition NFT sales. DAO Revenue Generation: The DAO can earn revenue through various channels, such as transaction fees on artwork sales within the marketplace, a percentage of investment returns, or hosting sponsored virtual exhibitions and events, such as decentraland exhibitions. Governance and Voting: The Artworks Data DAO will have a governance mechanism where token holders can participate in decision-making processes. Token holders can propose and vote on initiatives, including curation guidelines, marketplace features, revenue distribution mechanisms, and strategic partnerships.

How it's Made

Most of our teammembers are new to hackathons. We are trying our best to implement our idea. Firstly, our data DAO will be build on Filecoin, we are going to use FEVM Hardhat kit, as recommend on the Fillecoin official website, and our backend programmers have more experience with this framework. Next JS as our front end framework. We were about to apply Push protocal to our DAO members and artists, we created an channel on Goerli testnet, but it's not avaliable on Filecoin yet.

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