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Attendify is a protocol to reward participation. Hackathons, meetings, conferences, reward attendees with non transferrable, soul bound nfts called prezents and build their onchain presence. register your event on attendify to get your magic mint link and QR code!


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

Attendify has developed a cutting-edge Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) that revolutionizes the way participatory actions at events or activities are recognized. In the past, individuals received traditional badges, identity cards, or certificates to commemorate their involvement in an event. These tangible identifiers serve as a testament to the dedication and enthusiasm individuals bring to the success of such occasions. With the emergence of Attendify, this proof of attendance has been seamlessly integrated into the blockchain ecosystem, enabling the streamlined issuance of certificates or badges to participants in various events like hackathons, summits, and livestreams.

A notable example of Attendify's system in action was witnessed at ETHDenver in 2019. By employing the POAP system, participants were granted enduring mementos that celebrated their contributions to the event, elevating the significance of their involvement. This innovative product facilitates the effortless creation of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with a simple click. Subsequently, the minted NFTs are verified on the robust Polygon network, ensuring their authenticity and immutability.

The minting process commences with users selecting the desired images, videos, or other media content to be featured on the network. Once uploaded to the IPFS, which seamlessly integrates into the Attendify web application, a single click enables successful minting, streamlining the entire process. This approach exemplifies Attendify's commitment to providing a sophisticated and user-friendly experience for participants and event organizers alike.

By incorporating blockchain technology into the issuance of event participation certificates, Attendify's Proof of Attendance Protocol elevates the recognition and value attributed to individuals' active engagement. This innovative solution not only enhances the sense of accomplishment but also promotes transparency, trust, and a lasting impression of the meaningful connections forged at events.

How it's Made

Attendify is built using next.js 13, Typescript and Tailwind on the frontend, its smart contract is written in solidity and deployed on the polygon mumbai blockchain. And integrated with Rainbowkit wallet, wagmi.js and viem. Attendify is completely decentralized as all image assets is hosted on the IPFS network and event details data is read from events emmited from the attendify factory smart contract therefore significantly minimizing the risk of data unavailability in the case of a centralized server

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