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Meeting the oracle requirement in betting smart contracts with the help of Ethereum Attestation Service


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Chiliz - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Betting contracts require interaction with the real world in order to function, which usually involves making a payment if the event occurs or does not occur. For example, in a betting contract on a sporting event, a payout may be made if a particular team wins or loses. However, an external factor usually needs to occur to determine the outcome of such contracts. This creates the need for an oracle. We used Ethereum Attestation Service to address the Oracle requirement. We deployed our EAS contract in the Chiliz network. We designed our system to determine score providers. Score providers make attestations through our scheme after sports competitions are completed.

How it's Made

Our frontend is powered by Vite and Chakra UI, ensuring a modern and responsive interface. For the decentralized aspects of our application, we utilized Ethers.js, a powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain. Additionally, we integrated Metamask, a widely-used crypto wallet, to enhance user accessibility and security in our decentralized application (dApp). We used Hardhat to deploy Ethereum Attestation Service contracts to the Chiliz Network.

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