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Audit Registry

A simple dapp to check if the contract you're interacting with has a valid audit!

Audit Registry

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

The smart-contract Audit Registry is a permissionless decentralized application designed to increase the transparency of smart contract audits in the Ethereum ecosystem. It empowers developers and users to enhance the security of decentralized applications by facilitating easy access to existing audits and encouraging the submission of new audit reports. It enables users to easily check whether a valid audit has been registered for a particular contract address.

How it's Made

This is a frontend and smart-contract only dapp.

  • Frontend: The frontend is a PWA built using TypeScript and the Vue framework.
  • Web3 Integration: Chain interactions are managed using the Wagmi library, providing seamless communication with the Sepolia and Scroll Sepolia Testnets.
  • Smart Contracts: All the audits are stored in permissionless smart contracts deployed on different chains. They handle all the audit submissions, and could potentially handle data validation in the future.
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