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Aurora Soulbound 👻 Token Payment Link For Sending ETH Coins


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

SBT is like NFT, but more interesting.

AURO SBT is something unique that will belong to only one address. This is a finite number of tokens, since there are approximately 1411 emoji in total (excluding skin tone).

  • Your personal Soulbound 👻 Token
  • Sending ETH coins using emoji ghost address
  • Your beautiful and short payment URL

Created interfaces on Solidity to help other users create their own Soulbound 👻 Token.

How it's Made

  • The web application is written in Typescript.
  • Contracts are developed on Solidity.

All contracts are loaded into the package manager, which will help all interested developers create their own Soulbound 👻 Tokens.


$ npm install @auroralabs/contracts


import "@auroralabs/contracts/SBT.sol";


import "@auroralabs/contracts/interfaces/ISBT.sol";

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