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Enhance market incentives in Autonomous World (AW) by seamlessly recording contributions as NFTs through on-chain data, fostering a dynamic ecosystem. Additionally, identify and compensate MEV victims with tokens for Uniswap v4 pool access, promoting fair play and innovation.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Problem Statement: AWEI aims to foster a positive feedback loop that accelerates Autonomous Worlds' growth. It addresses issues in Loot models and provides ongoing funding to on-chain gaming players and builders.

  • Specifications: AWEI NFTs, priced at 0.01 ETH, come without a supply limit, available to everyone. These NFTs index and prove the amount of gas fees and transferred ETH to play whitelisted on-chain games. NFTs record weekly rankings for gas fees, ETH transfers, and total scores. Treasury funds are distributed to high-scored wallets, most-played games, incubating AW projects, and the first dev team.

  • Forum and Governance: Users can propose games in the weekly forums for a vote to add them to the ecosystem. Games undergo weekly voting to determine if they are added to the whitelist. Delisting requests for eligible games are put to a weekly vote if supported by more than 5% of holders. Voting weight depends on NFT scores (gas fees and ETH used for AW) and follows quadratic voting.

  • AWEI NFT - Citizenship: ERC721 with dynamic tiers based on gas usage, enhancing NFT value. Gas usage inscribed in NFTs; tiers fluctuate dynamically. Weekly high-scorers earn rewards and a share of the treasury. NFT holders have voting rights for adopting games into the ecosystem.

  • Treasury Distribution: Treasury funds come from NFT sales (unlimited) and potential LP revenue with Spark Lend. 40% goes to weekly high-scored wallets. 40% is allocated to the most-played game. 15% supports incubating/funding AW projects. 5% is designated for the first dev team.

  • Voting and Grants: Voting involves adding or de-listing partner games and selecting games for AWEI scoring. Grants and investments support projects enhancing the Ethereum ecosystem.

Pitch: Demo website:

How it's Made

Front-end: AWEI's user interface is built using React, providing an intuitive and responsive experience for users.

Contract Development: AWEI's smart contracts are coded in Solidity, ensuring robust and secure blockchain interactions.

Database & Storage: The project utilizes MUD (Multi-Chain Universal Datastore) for efficient data management and storage, enabling seamless scalability across multiple blockchains.

Indexing & Proof: To calculate and validate gas fees from various blockchain sources, AWEI harnesses the power of indexing with The Graph. It also leverages Chainlink Functions for additional proofing, ensuring accuracy and reliability. Axiom is used to verify and record these gas fee transactions.

Blockchain Integration: AWEI operates across multiple blockchains, including Scroll, Polygon, Optimism, and Ethereum. This multi-chain approach ensures the project's scalability and accessibility within the broader Ethereum ecosystem.

AWEI's comprehensive technology stack enables it to efficiently and accurately record and reward contributions to Autonomous World, providing a seamless experience for users across various blockchains

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