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Awesome Wallet

A wallet where you can sign in with WorldID and access multiple wallets all in one place! Send and receive ETH.

Awesome Wallet

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

This project aims to allow you to store all of the data for your various ETH wallets all in one place, and associate them with your WorldID. It allows you to either login with Auth0, or WorldID (which we were not able to implement on time), and access your various crypto wallets associated with that ID with a really nice UI. This project is more of a way for my teammates and I to explore crypto development, we are not really going for any bounties (next time). We learned a lot about ETH, and will hopefully have something even better at the next hackathon!

How it's Made

Frontend: React.js, Auth0 and WorldID for login Backend: Node.js/Express, ethers.js Data Storage: MySQL We did not end up with enough time to fully integrate all of these parts (because we are noobs), but we would have hosted them on AWS as microservices. In our database, each WorldID would be associated with wallets which could be added or deleted. We did not have time to complete everything we wanted to, but we will definitely polish it up after the hackathon is over!

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