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BlockID Protocol

An identity provider / aggregator for the blockchain ecosystem that knows nothing about your identity information, but still verifies and delivers it.

BlockID Protocol

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

Litepaper Link:

Problem In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, identity verification poses significant challenges, hindering the seamless integration of users into decentralized platforms and cryptocurrency exchanges. Traditional verification methods often fall short, leading to issues of privacy compromise, data breaches, and inefficient Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. This presents a pressing need for an innovative solution that addresses these challenges, ensuring a secure, user-friendly, and privacy-centric approach to identity verification within the blockchain ecosystem. The absence of such a solution impedes the growth and trustworthiness of decentralized technologies, creating a barrier to broader adoption and utilization.

Solution BlockID Protocol addresses a critical challenge faced by exchanges—the struggle to streamline and expedite KYC procedures effectively. Our solution transforms the conventional KYC process into a frictionless experience for both users and exchanges. Upon the initial sign-up using BlockID on a supported exchange, the system securely acquires and verifies necessary identity information.

Subsequent sign-ups across different exchanges within the BlockID Protocol network become a one-click KYC process, significantly reducing the time and effort required for user verification. The system seamlessly updates the user's KYC score in real-time, reflecting the consistent and secure completion of identity verification across multiple platforms. By minimizing the friction associated with KYC procedures, BlockID not only enhances user convenience but also addresses the challenge of KYC traction for exchanges. This solution propels the industry towards a more efficient, user-friendly, and trustworthy blockchain ecosystem.

Benefits Of Block[ID] Protocol

Effortless KYC Procedures:

BlockID simplifies Know Your Customer (KYC) processes across multiple cryptocurrency exchanges, reducing user effort and streamlining the onboarding experience to a one-click procedure.

Enhanced User Convenience:

Users enjoy a seamless and standardized KYC experience, eliminating the need for repetitive verification steps when signing up on different platforms within the BlockID Protocol network.

Real-Time KYC Score Updates:

The system provides real-time updates on users' KYC scores, reflecting their consistent adherence to identity verification standards across exchanges, serving as a dynamic trust indicator.

Privacy-Centric Approach:

BlockID employs zero-knowledge security and account abstraction to prioritize user privacy, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and secure during the verification process.

Security Reinforcement:

With advanced security measures, including account abstraction, BlockID enhances the overall security of identity verification, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

Industry-Wide Standardization:

BlockID introduces a standardized KYC solution, contributing to a more efficient and trustworthy blockchain ecosystem while addressing the industry-wide challenge of traction on KYC procedures.

Operational Efficiency for Exchanges:

Exchanges benefit from reduced operational burdens associated with identification processes, enhancing their ability to attract and onboard users efficiently.

User Empowerment:

BlockID empowers users by providing them with control over their digital identity, fostering a sense of trust and security within the decentralized landscape.

Industry Innovation:

BlockID's innovative approach sets new standards for identity verification within the blockchain industry, contributing to the ongoing evolution and maturation of decentralized technologies.

Increased Trustworthiness:

The streamlined KYC procedures and real-time score updates contribute to increased trustworthiness, creating a more secure environment for users and exchanges alike within the blockchain ecosystem. How BlockID Works? User Initiation: A user initiates their first sign-up using BlockID on a supported exchange, providing the necessary identity information.

One-Click KYC Integration: Subsequent sign-ups on any exchange within the BlockID network become a streamlined, one-click KYC process. The user, having completed the initial verification, can effortlessly fulfill KYC requirements across multiple platforms.

Real-Time KYC Score Updates: The system dynamically updates the user's KYC score in real-time, reflecting the successful completion of identity verification across different exchanges. This score serves as an indicator of the user's trustworthiness within the blockchain ecosystem.

How it's Made

Our protocol is powered by zero-knowledge proofs. Account abstraction via zkSync has ben implemented to give users control of their identity. Orchestration would be possible with using zksnarks and an oracle mechanism. We implemented custom zk circuits to generate complete identity proves. Our protocol acts like a bridge but without carrying any data on it, thanks to our oracle design. With our core design protocol, cross-chain interoperability will be possible.

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