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Reputation protocol based on nested NFTs. Where users and DAOs can issue a reputation in a form of NFT.

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

Blossom Land allows people to create a profile with their twitter handle, wallet and ENS. They are then led through a wizard to add their github, blog and website and then build out their skill profile from a set of pre-defined skill categories and sub-categories.

DAOs create a profile in a similar way, but instead of adding skills they add people who have contributed – either full time, part time or on a project basis.

Once a person has set up their profile and defined their skills they are then able to ask people and teams to give them cred. As people collect cred it shows up in their profile, and on the leaderboard – both as skills and as DAOs they have contributed to.

So for example if Kay recommended a great UI developer, instead of me having to hunt through telegram I simply go to her profile and see who she has given cred to, and filter by Developer: Frontend to find him, his github and twitter so I can get in touch. Or I can ask Kay for an intro.

Another use case is: I am applying for a role with a DAO and want to prove my previous work – I can share my blossom land profile and people are able to see what I have done – with which teams, and who else has recommended my skills.

How it's Made

Blossom Land is built using RMRK so that people and teams set up their profile data, contained in a parent NFT. As people give and receive cred for contributions and skills these are written to child NFTs. For now these are not transferrable, although we will work on a verification workflow in case somebody loses access to their twitter account and / or wallet.

The UI is built in react, db in mongo, we're using the Twitter API for profile image and bio as well as part of our authentication process – along with SIWE and ENS. More web3 tech to follow …

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