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Blue Chip

Automated Crypto Index Fund for simplified, diversified cryptocurrency investments using Set-Protocol and Uniswap V3

Blue Chip

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description


🔵 BLUE CHIP crypto Basket Index Fund, your gateway to simplified, diversified cryptocurrency investments. As the crypto market evolves and expands, navigating the complexities of individual tokens can be a daunting task. That's where BLUE CHIP comes to your rescue, offering you a smarter and more accessible way to invest in the exciting world of cryptocurrencies.

🔑 Key Features:

  1. Risk Mitigation
  2. User Friendly Interface
  3. Transparent Performance
  4. Security First
  5. Liquidation and Accesibility
  6. Cost Efficient
  7. Community and Financial Education

Why Choose BLUE CHIP ?

💲 Investing in cryptocurrencies doesn't have to be complicated or intimidating. With Blue Chip, you gain access to a well-balanced portfolio, expert insights, and a user-friendly platform that simplifies the investment process. Whether you're looking to enter the crypto space or diversify your existing holdings, Crypto Basket is your all-in-one solution for crypto index fund investments. 🔓 Unlock the potential of cryptocurrencies while mitigating risk – choose Blue Chip and embark on your journey towards a more diversified and secure crypto portfolio. Start investing today and watch your digital assets grow with confidence.

How it's Made

Made with love❤️, real problem and numerous web3 tools🛠

📜Smart-Contracts and Tools

  1. Hardhat + ethers: Smart-contract development tool for scripting and testing.
  2. Ganache: Personal Ethereum Blockchain for testing smart-contracts.
  3. Polygon-testnet: Real life evm testnet for replicating scenrios before deploying to mainnet
  4. Set Protocol v2: Smart-contract library for developing crypto index fund
  5. @openzeppelin/contracts v3: Common smart-contract library, we used for ERC standard tokens.


  1. Create React App: Framework to develop client side application using Java Script.
  2. @web3Modal v3: Drop-in UI SDK, enable any wallet's users to seamlessly log in to your app and enjoy a smooth, unified experience.
  3. @walletconnect: Deeplink protocol for connecting dapps to crypto wallets.
  4. wagmi: A collection of React Hooks for ease in wallet connection, signing transactions and interacting with smart-contracts
  5. chart.js + react-chartjs-2: React library for generating graphical representation of data. Used for displaying price action of assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Blue Chip.
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