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BOND is a safe and secure wallet solution for crypto users. As there is an increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies around the world, losing private keys has remained a major issue. BOND is here to catalyze blockchain adoption.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

If you lose the private key, you permanently lose access to the cryptocurrency wallet. Losing the private key has been a major pain point for users. Identifying the ownership with a unique identity system (Sismo) and account recovery feature (4 owner accounts). BOND accounts are managed by smart contracts.

How it's Made

The Technology Stack that we are using for the development of the BOND (AA) Project.

  1. Safe Protocol
  2. Sismo
  3. Solidity
  4. Java Script
  5. Next.js


  • User can transact with Sismo Id
  • User can manage his safe account with Sismo ID, like adding owner accounts and updating the threshold
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