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Bounty Market bridges the gap between companies and individuals by providing a platform where tasks are completed for rewards.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Project Description

The problem Bounty Market solves designing to seamlessly connect companies and individuals to complete tasks in exchange for rewards. Whether you're a business looking for talent or an individual seeking new opportunities, our platform offers a unique space for collaboration and achievement.

Features: Task Listings: Companies can post tasks, clearly outlining requirements and rewards. Talent Pool: Individuals can browse available

How it's Made

The Bounty Market is a decentralized platform designed to seamlessly connect businesses and individuals, enabling them to collaborate on tasks in exchange for rewards. Whether you’re a company seeking skilled talent or an individual looking for new opportunities, Bounty Market creates a secure, transparent, and efficient environment for task-based collaboration. Tech Stack: • Frontend: React.js • Blockchain: Ethereum • Smart Contracts: Solidity • Backend: MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js)

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