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BridgIt is the easiest way to get your game linked to the blockchain. In a few easy clicks, a game developer could create a game, add NFTs and add the integration to the game in Unity.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Since we found out that available unity SDKs are generally made for developers with a good understanding of the blockchain and since we believe that it's everybody's right to be able to add blockchain to his product within a few clicks, we made BridgIt. BridgIt is a webApp that allows new web3 game developers forget about the hassle of creating NFT smart contracts, testing, adding NFTs to their game, connecting the wallet through unity and integrating the blockchain functionalities. The workflow is as simple and easy:

1- The game developer logs in to BridgIt

2- The game developer creates a new game

3- The game developer adds NFTs to his new game

4- The game developer adds the access token to our unity SDK

5- The game developer uses our pre-defined functions to develop his game without taking too much care about hard blockchain stuff.

6- A web3 game delivered in minutes!

How it's Made

The project was composed into 4 parts. Frontend, backend, smart contract creation, unity integration. Frontend: We developed the frontend with Nextjs and used Ant Design as a UI Library to create a responsive UI. We built an authentication system and implemented security measures with JWT Token. Backend: .. Smart Contract dev: The smart contract development process was meant to be the easiest part. We are only using the ERC1155 standard in this prototype. But since we are looking for the user's satisfaction and we got a lot of feedback from Polygon about meta-transactions, we thought about it. We have tried using EIP712 for the first time and it was time consuming that we couldn't finish it, we had to make our research to understand how it works, and make it work with WalletConnect Unity. We tried, but we didn't get it to work so far. As for development and testing we used Hardhat. We also used ethersJS to interact with the blockchain in the backend. Unity integration: Unity integration was coordinated with the backend. We used WalletConnect Unity to connect to the user's wallet. We also made simple HttpPost and HttpGet requests to the backend to make the blockchain connection easier. As for the future, we will be adding EIP712 signing typed data to the unity integration and to the smart contract. We'll also require gamers to sign a challenge with their wallet in order to start the connection.

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