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We’re building web3 tools to help vehicle owners claim and transfer ownership of real world assets.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

This year at ETHGlobal, we built an app that lets vehicle owners mint an NFT that serves as proof of real-world ownership of their vehicle. We are building tools for interacting with these NFTs, including options for decentralized photo galleries for vehicles, listing vehicles for sale via auction, and generating paper contracts out of smart contracts.

CarFT is a decentralized car auction website. We are bridging onchain assets and RWAs, cars in this context. Vehicle ownership is represented as an NFT and can be listed for auction so that people can bid on them. Building a proof of concept.

Problem: Car buying and selling is boring. And there's a huge gap and untapped market for NFTs, cryptocurrencies and car ownership.

Seller first market.
No reputation system.
Difficult to prove ownership.

Solution:NFTs for Cars!

Mint an NFT to prove ownership.
Buy and Sell the NFT to transfer real-world ownership.

How it's Made

This project uses the MERN stack, along with ethers for smart contract calls we used for file uploads and deployed to Scroll, Mantle, and Polygon zkEVM and Mumbai testnets. .

Tech Stack

Front-End: React.js Back End: Mongo DB, Node.js, Express.js Data Storage: IPFS and Filecoin, for car images. Blockchain: Deployment on Polygon, Scroll, Mantle, Polygon Mumbai and zkEVM.

Figma file: For architecture: For UI:

background image mobile

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