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castGPT is a developer tool that allows for users to quickly generate foundry cast commands for Ethereum. CastGPT is trained on ABI data and forge cast commands in order to help aggregate all the commands a user may need.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

castGPT allows for generation of foundry cast commands for smart contracts in the terminal. CastGPT helps the user to identify the cast commands they need to perform queries against an RPC. The personal assistant can be trained on multiple ABIs on a mainnet, testnet, or devnet. CastGPT can be expanded to work with a local anvil node where your personal contracts have been deployed which can help to perform adhoc testing. All that would be needed is providing your source code and castGPT can generate commands for contracts in real time just by saying "Generate these cast commands for me"

This was a simple project that needs lots of tweaking but the concept is fun and interesting. Some of the commands dont get generated properly but this could be fixed some some additional prompt engineering/tweaking. Seems like a project others could pull from to make something cool. It certainly needs more :p

How it's Made

The project uses the OpenAI API for creating a personal assistant and generates foundry cast commands. Etherscan's API is leveraged for grabbing source code of any verified contract on etherscan. Forge is utilized for running the cast commands against an Ethereum RPC url and the code is mostly written in Rust.

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