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CCIP Flip-A-Coin

This is a simple game to demonstrate chainlink CCIP, the idea is to use a Contract which is deployed on Chain A to interact with another contract deployed on Chain B

CCIP Flip-A-Coin

Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Project Description

This is a simple game to demonstrate chainlink CCIP, the idea is to use a Contract which is deployed on Chain A to interact with another contract deployed on Chain B

here, we can chose to interact with dapp on either Ethereum Sepolia or Base sepolia

if we interact with contract on base sepolia ,it propagates the data cross chain to do randomness calculation & state changes on contract on ethereum sepolia

How it's Made

It is a simple game to demonstrate Chainlink CCIP It also uses thirdweb for in-app wallet for social login Blockscout is used as explorer & for contract verifications There are multiple subgraphs deployed on Goldsky Contracts are deployed on Base sepolia & Ethereum sepolia

Base sepolia contains contract called CrossChainFlipACoinSender which is responsible for sending message to Ethereum sepolia

CrossChainFlipACoinReceiver contract deployed on Ethereum sepolia will listen to this message and do randomness calculation and state changes

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