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Enable encryption and decryption of data based on a custom combination of cross chain and natural language statements.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🥈 UMA - Best Use

🔀 Polygon — Best Use of zkEVM

🥷 Sismo — Best for Privacy

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

🥈 Scroll — Best Use

🥈 Wormhole — Best Use

Project Description

Traditional encryption is fairly basic i.e. are you the holder of this key, do you have access to this data.

With ChainGuard you can define much more rich criteria and triggers to share encrypted data, such as any natural language statement in combination with cross-chain criteria to unlock a piece of data for the end user.

This enables triggers such as those based on world events, or things like inheritance, to only be triggered upon certain statements or when two parties regardless of chain origin agree that a piece of data should be unlocked for an end user.

Or other examples where you might need a lawyer to mediate or validate a transaction or the release of a particular piece of data instead you can inspect blockchain states.

ChainGuard can secure any piece of Filecoin data using any of the conditions below:

  1. A cross-chain transaction has occurred through Wormhole.
  2. An UMA oracle precondition has been asserted and settled (user specified). Example use cases: revealing data only after a person has died or a particular sports team won an event.
  3. A specified pre-determined address must be calling the contract, or be part of a claim group.

For every data upload, a smart contract is deployed that secures the payload. Every uploaded artifact gets a unique sharable url on ChainGuard that can be accessed at any time, but only reveals the data on condition satisfaction.

Cross chain transactions can occur from any other DataContract deployment to the deployed contract in order to satisfy the cross chain condition.

If the conditions above are met, the data is revealed and decrypted at the sharing url and delivered decrypted to the user on the page via distributed Filecoin storage and Lit protocol for decryption.

How it's Made

Technologies used

Scroll Sepolia / Polygon ZkEVM and Mumbai: Origin contract networks. Cross chain interactions low cost and facilitated by these core chains for the DataContract. Every transaction or data access attempt is logged to the contract history. Each network supports a different selection of conditions based on supported data providers/oracles.

UMA: ChainGuard allows users to optionally define custom unlocking conditions for their encrypted data. Users can specify natural language statements that need to be fulfilled before the data is decrypted. This feature ensures that data is only accessible when specific conditions are met, adding an extra layer of security. These statements are validated by UMA on each DataContract.

Sismo: Verify connected wallet claims beyond just connected address. . By integrating Sismo's verification system, the app can ensure that the wallets associated with users meet certain criteria or standards, enhancing the trustworthiness of the data access process.

Filecoin: Data upload and security with encryption by Lit Protocol. When users want to store their data securely, the app could utilize Filecoin to ensure that the data remains encrypted and protected until it is accessed and decrypted. This approach ensures the long-term security of sensitive data.

Wormhole: Cross-chain messaging. Enforce that data can only be accessed when a cross chain event occurs. Users can set conditions that trigger the decryption process based on events happening on other blockchains. This enhances the security and control over data access. The condition is satisfied when a wormhole relayer receives a message from the configured source.

Lit Protocol: Core encryption and decryption to IPFS and additional access criteria management. When users encrypt their data, Lit Protocol can provide robust encryption to secure the data. Additionally, it can manage access criteria, allowing users to define specific conditions for data decryption. The app can also use Lit Protocol to interact with IPFS for data storage and retrieval.

Running the project (from scratch)

  1. Copy .env.sample -> .env

  2. Define variables in .env with your unique values.

  3. [Optional] /contracts folder. Ensure UMA OptimisticOracleV3Interface has ^0.8.16 (may require local edit). yarn; yarn build -> Contract output in util/metadata.js.

  4. yarn; yarn dev. The app should now be running on port 3000.

Any repeated starts can be done with yarn dev once all environment variables are set.

Deployment build

This command deploys the build site to vercel by default, feel free to edit the deploy command in package.json to your desired deployment destination.

yarn build; yarn deploy

Potential future work

  1. Mainnet deployment and support: ChainGuard is currently deployable on Polygon Mumbai and Scroll Sepolia and is free to use - mainnet deployments would offer more long term guarantees and stability.
  2. Security audit and review: Ensure the highest level of data security, privacy, and resistance to potential attacks. Do repeated testing to ensure that encrypted data can only be accessed when all the conditions are met.
  3. Integration with additional blockchains: Cross chain interactions on the app require configuring source and destination addresses in the ChainGuard app - more sources could be added and maintained.

Demo video:

Demo URL: (note must be on Polygon testnet)

See more info/screenshots on the github here:

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