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Character Sheet

A Tokenbound Character Sheet that turns every NFT into an RPG character.

Character Sheet

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

The idea is, that every NFT can mint its own Character Sheet into its tokenbound account. This allows character to interact with game contracts, like Tournaments to earn experience points, which are secured by ApeCoin. The character can use these XPs to improve its skill-tree, or equip higher level in-game items (which are NFTs hold by token in its tokenbound account). The rewards for these games should not be play to earn, but more of a nice to have in case you want to reset your character to zero. The contract stakes ApeCoins by default to generate new XP rewards for players, but other mechanisms like lending or Compoind are also possible.

The games characters are playing would be decentral in nature, as anyone can create one. Only good security measures should be thought of to make the rewards fair and fun.

How it's Made

This project uses Scaffold-ETH-2 as foundation. I've installed Tablelands Hardhat extension to utilise the database tables contract. Then I created all the smart contracts needed for a proof of concept. You will find a generic ERC-721, an "ApeCoin" and an ApeCoin Staking contract in this project.

Also part of this system is the ERC-6551 implementation, with Registry, Proxy and Implementation.

Lastly we have the Character Sheet ERC-721 contract, which creates a table on Tableland and updates the content accordingly to inputs (for example game contracts) .

In the end an ERC-721 token owns an Tokenbound account, which holds a Character Sheet, which writes data into Tableland database.

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