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Revolutionize environmental cleanup with our blockchain-based app! Connect companies and individuals to fund litter-cleaning projects. Cleaners earn rewards for their efforts, promoting cleaner, greener spaces. Join the eco-friendly movement and make a difference!


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Our app introduces a comprehensive, blockchain-based solution designed to tackle environmental pollution by incentivizing the cleanup of littered areas. Here's how it works:

Report Submission: Users start by reporting polluted areas. This involves uploading an image of the littered site to the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), ensuring a decentralized and tamper-proof record.

Verification Process: After a report is submitted, it must be verified for authenticity. This critical step is carried out by authorized users, who assess the validity of the report to prevent fraudulent claims. An initial image validation is performed via a specifically trained GPT4.

Funding Allocation: Once a report is verified, it becomes eligible for funding. Companies and individuals passionate about environmental conservation can then allocate funds specifically for the cleanup of these verified sites.

Cleanup Initiative: With the necessary funds in place, cleaners can undertake the task of tidying the reported areas. This initiative not only contributes to environmental well-being but also provides a tangible way for people to engage in community service.

Proof of Cleanup: After the area is cleaned, the responsible party is required to submit proof of their work. This is done through a second photo, uploaded to IPFS, showing the cleaned area. This step is crucial to ensure transparency and accountability in the cleaning process.

Admin Approval and Reward Distribution: The final step involves the review and approval of the cleanup by an admin. Once the admin confirms that the area has been cleaned as per the initial report, rewards are distributed to the cleaners. These rewards act as an incentive for individuals to participate actively in environmental cleanup activities.

Our app not only promotes a cleaner environment but also fosters a sense of community and responsibility. It leverages blockchain technology to ensure transparency, security, and efficiency in every step, from reporting to reward distribution. Join us in our mission to create cleaner, greener spaces one area at a time!

How it's Made

Our project utilizes Solidity for contract writing, with Hardhat and TypeChain facilitating the compilation process. These compiled contracts are then integrated into our React application, ensuring strict contract typing.

On the front end, users with appropriate permissions are empowered to execute all available actions. The UI is built with React + Chakra UI. AI with GPT4 has been integrated for the image validation, in order to prevent spam and unwanted submission to be stored onchain.

Presently, the architecture of our solution is fully decentralized. While we would plan to incorporate a multi-chain indexer in a production phase, it remains beyond the scope of our current proof of concept.

Leveraged partners:

  • Safe for account abstraction and gasless transactions;
  • IPFS For image and metadata storage;
  • Targeted Blockchains: Gnosis, Polygon ZkEvm, Celo, Base, Scroll;
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