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CloudNative3 is a disruptive decentralized cloud computing platform that realizes seamless migration from Web2 to Web3, and realizes decentralized security control through the oracle network.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

CloudNative3 is a cutting-edge platform that provides a comprehensive solution for seamless Web2 to Web3 application migration. CloudNative3 uses Filecoin network, FVM, and IPFS technology adaptation to realize decentralized cloud computing, decentralized service orchestration governance, and decentralized zero-trust security control. With CloudNative3, developers can easily migrate their applications to a Web3 environment while ensuring maximum security, reliability and scalability.

  1. Decentralized cloud computing: CloudNative3 utilizes the power of blockchain technology to provide decentralized cloud computing, providing greater scalability, availability and data privacy.

  2. Decentralized service orchestration governance: CloudNative3 enables developers to orchestrate services in a decentralized manner, providing a more resilient and flexible infrastructure for Web3 applications.

  3. Decentralized zero-trust security control: CloudNative3 provides a decentralized security control mechanism to maximize the security of Web3 applications. By leveraging zero trust security principles, CloudNative3 authenticates every transaction and data access request to ensure only authorized parties can access critical data and services.

  4. Decentralized function computing platform: CloudNative3 supports the serverless model. Developers only need to write business logic codes and package them into functions. Function execution does not need to care about the underlying server infrastructure and resource management. CloudNative3 uses Kubernetes as the underlying container orchestration engine to easily manage and deploy serverless applications.

How it's Made

FVM Trusted Execution Environment CloudNative3 performs adaptation work based on the FVM virtual machine, including smart contract adaptation, oracle node adaptation, providing safe control instructions and oracle control through FVM.

Off-chain oracles The security infrastructure of CloudNative3 is based on the powerful functions of the oracle machine, which can realize decentralized security control, including key components such as the cloud computing platform control engine and data response mechanism. By utilizing oracles, CloudNative3 ensures that all security measures are fully decentralized and highly reliable, providing developers with a safe and reliable platform to build cutting-edge Web3 applications.

Proof of Communication and IPFS CloudNative3 utilizes a combination of TLSNotary and oracle external adapters to provide proof of communication, ensuring maximum security and reliability of communication. By leveraging this unique combination of technologies, CloudNative3 provides developers with a secure and reliable infrastructure for building cutting-edge Web3 applications, and stores communication proof files through for decentralized communication verification.

smart contract Build decentralized security control based on smart contracts, including service deployment, zero trust control, etc.

Decentralized cloud computing platform CloudNative3's decentralized cloud computing platform consists of cutting-edge technologies such as container cloud, service grid governance, zero-trust security control, and decentralized security control of on-chain oracles. By integrating these technologies into one seamless platform, CloudNative3 provides developers with a highly secure and reliable infrastructure for building cutting-edge Web3 applications optimized for future decentralized environments.

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