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Collusion resistant information dispute resolution tool using MACI

Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Project Description

Wikipedia is the predominant information source for the majority of the global population. However, it has come under criticism for a variety of issues in terms of admin control and subjectivity of articles. We propose a collusion resistant dispute resolution method for articles that go into the DRN flow of Wikipedia. Currently, a volunteer accepts to take the lead in a DRN request and then it is either resolved or failed, but vested interests. corporations can take advantage of this and push false narratives. see -

With we are proposing a tool that can be used by wikipedia or other organizations that can pipe DRN requests and get back a commitment of the votes. This can be gate keeped, such that for example, only a particularly demographic can edit and update a certain type of articles and so forth.

How it's Made

We made use of the MACI wrapper and modified it by adding a contract that has the mapping of the slug and its latest information & commitment proofs. All articles are stored in ipfs, and the ipfs hashes are updated into a solidity contract called CLR. CLR keeps track of the latest version of the slug for eg. Singapore could be the topic and a proposer can choose to propose an edit. A volunteer could then perform the duties of the coordinator and create a poll to add the amendments. If accepted the new proposed version becomes the latest information.

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