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A decentralized blogging service with subscribers, payments and posts managed on-chain


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

This projects enables users to create or read blogs, and manage subscriptions and payments entirely on-chain. We use smart contracts to store posts, subscribers, and manage subscription payments, including renewal/extension. The blogs are stored on IPFS with their hash stored in the smart contract itself.

Author contracts are owned by the author themselves, giving them full control and autonomy over their publication. This allows them to bypass all "tax" that services like substack and stripe charge, while also giving them a chance to reach a global audience. Since IPFS is used for storage, the content they publish is censorship-resistant by design. This gives them space to experiment with design and content and not being restricted to any "guidelines". Same follows for the subscribers, as the authors retain full control over that too. Finally, author can choose to withdraw all the subscription fee from the contract whenever they want.

The main idea is to use blockchain as a decentralized "compute" along with payments. Blogging offers a simple service which the current L2's like polygon can be used to integrate with.

How it's Made

We used scaffold-eth to bootstrap the project, and used hardhat to deploy manage the contracts. The project used vercel to deploy, using polygon mumbai as the deployment net.

The smart contracts are composed of 2 contract. One of them manages all the authors, and deploys the contract for a new author. The other contract is individual to the author. That contract is used to manage subscribers, and also stores the hash of all the posts user has created. Whenever a user subscribes to an author, they unlock all the content they have published for the duration that the subscription is valid. All the validity checks happen on-chain and data is pulled from IPFS for the user to read.

We use pinata to interact with IPFS, and the markdown libraries to create and display blogs.

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