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Decentralized community infrastructure using Farcaster to facilitate voting and allocation of community funds


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

This is a decentralized community infrastructure which for example can be used in apartment buildings to create a communal fund to improve the real estate value by using hive mind decision making. It allows all inhabitants/property owners to vote on how the community funds should be spent. This is made possible by charging all community members a monthly fee that goes into a vault which is controlled by the community members through voting.

How it's Made

  1. This is the infrastructure for a community app which uses Farcaster frames.
  2. Each community has its own vault (SAFE Smart Account) in which they hold their funds. <- Example instance of Vault Contract exists on the Arbitrum network at address: arb:0x26Ef58BBBB086D6c2DEdebfAD6FFd10c80Ca70Aa
  3. When a user signs up, we create a SAFE for their wallet, which is controlled through account abstraction using
  4. Voting to spend the funds in the vault happens through interacting with a FRAME on FARCASTER.
    • In FRAME_NODE is the code which runs a node.js server which hosts all frames (currently just 1 example frame)
    • When a user votes (clicks reject/approve) on the frame, the server maps their fid to an Ethereum address and records it and their vote direction in a Poll (an ARBITRUM STYLUS contract).
    • That Poll contract which is deployed by a SAFE_MODULE is responsible for triggering a function in the safe_module to release the funds to the Poll proposer.
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