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Compliance for DeFi

Solution for DeFi protocols to take a risk based approach on compliance

Compliance for DeFi

Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

Project Description

Currently some DeFi protocols require to check if the transactions that goes in or out of the contracts are compliant based on their own current risk based approach. This project allows DeFi protocols do describe their risk policies and check if every transaction is compliant or not.

How it's Made

This project use Notabene platform to describe the risk policy of a DeFi protocol. For a transaction to be accepted first needs to get a compliance attestation (a EIP712 signed credential) from the Notabene platform that needs to be presented along with the parameters of the contract call. The contract then checks if the call is compliant before executing it. We have build a staking protocol that uses this that is using Ethereum networks and also Polygon. We also build a dApp using Web3auth for getting the attestion and calling the contract with the compliance credential

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