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Contributor Streams

Payment system for organizations to pay contributors based on contributions in a recurring way.

Contributor Streams

Created At


Winner of

🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

This projects aims to provide a solution to DAO's to pay contributors based on contributions. DAO's create the opportunity for people to work on different projects and work at multiple places. The payment however is done in a legacy manner giving contributors salaries on a time based rate. This could mean that contributors are payed on a time basis and not on a project basis.

In other words we are trying to solve for the following: How can we pay people based on contributions in a recurring & transparent way?

We evaluated two different options which have their pro/cons:

  • Option 1 BuidlGuidl Streams: Buildguild creates contracts per builder and then the builder can withdraw a certain max amount per month. Individual builder streams are filled on weekly basis by the core team
  • Option 2 Superfluid money streaming: Stream money to builders on monthly basis

We came up with a solution that combines the two options: Contributor streams.

Here's how the contributor streams work:

  • Pay contributors based on contributions

  • Contributors can go & come back to the same stream

  • Stream contract is funded based on withdrawn amounts thats adjusted dynamically

  • Salary & Contribution Transparency

How it's Made

The project uses the following technologies:

  • Scaffold-eth: provides fast prototyping
  • Superfluid: money streaming to the DAO contract in Supertokens.
  • Wallet connect: web3 login, users can login to the website and withdraw. Contributors will have to make a transaction where they provide the work and the money they are withdrawing for it.
  • ENS: web3 identity.
  • Optimisim & Polygon: deployed to the networks
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