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Coursalize is the web3 version of Udemy and let users to create NFT based courses.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🥈 Covalent — Best Use

🏊‍♂️ Tableland — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

In 2022 there are possibilities in web3 space that was not here 2 years ago. We almost solve the scalability issues. Lots of crucial infrastructures have been made, and our ecosystem has matured very much. The next wave of web3 projects should focus on consumers. It should show the true power of the technology. Coursalize is a tool to coordinate online learning experiences using the power of NFTs and internet native storage and money.

How it's Made

The backbone of Coursalize is a custom ERC1155 contract that is heavily integrated with Tableland and Superfluid. It consists of 3 main tables for storing users, courses, and lecture data. Users who complete their profile can create courses. A course is basically an NFT blueprint, people who want to enroll in a course will mint an NFT of that course. Lectures media is encrypted using lit-protocol and only people who have the enrollment course can watch them. Also, people can Sponsor a course using Superfluid streams. This is very useful for projects who want to grant instructors.

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